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Gorlova Anastasiya

Gorlova Anastasiya

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master's work:

Research and development of dynamic processes of starting of electric drive of one end transporting automatic control unit his acceleration.

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Technical Science Konstantin Marenich 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


I was born on February 17th, 1990 in Donetsk. My parent’s names are Gorlova Raisa and Gorlov Anatoliy. They both work in the field of energy. My mother is a second category engineer, and the father is a fifth digit electrician. As a child I was an obedient child, and I hope I didn’t trouble my parents . In addition, I have an older sister who has always been able to look after me. I guess the fact that I'm not an only child in my family, have had a positive impact on my character and further social intercourse.

I went to my first kindergarten when I was 1.5 years old and got used to it quickly. A few years later my parents moved to another district, and I had to go to another kindergarten.

When I was six (1996) I was able to read and write, so my parents decided not to wait one year yet and sent me to school number 83 in the seven year’ class. I didn’t feel any difference between myself and the others, and I found a common language with all very quicly. Generally, I consider I am a sociable person and I can have approach to anyone. Oddly enough, on school I combined the pastime with friends and excellent studies. I participated in competitions in mathematics, biology, English and Ukrainian, and graduated school with a silver medal, although I think that it didn’t take any my efforts . While I was at school I have had changeable interests concerning my future profession. Not taking into account children's age when all girls want to be teachers, doctors and hairdressers, the most interesting specialties for me were an english translator of, a lawyer and a logistician.

In 2006 I left school and it was time for determination. The choice of specialty didn’t coincide with the Humanities, which I liked more. After interview I came to the faculty of “energomechanics and automation” on a specialty “Automated control of technological processes in ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy” (this profession I most enjoyed from the entire list). In 2009, this specialty was transferred to the Faculty of “Computer Information Technologies and Automation”. At the time of receipt of the bachelor's degree grade average mark was 4.82. At university, I participated in scientist conferences at the department and in conference of Ukrainian language and was head of the group. Must pay attantion to the teaching staff of our letting department. They are mostly not just highly skilled specialists, but also people with a capital letter. Everyone has a favorite teacher, for me it's Boris Vladimirovich Gavrilenko and Konstantin Nicolaevich Marenich. They not only convey the material clearly for anyone, but also they are not indifferent to our feelings.

When I entered to the Master’s course, I had supervisor who was the head of the Department of GEA Leybova, Marenich Konstantin Nikolaevich, and I am very grateful to him. After thinking, we have moved away from the direction of industry and have been engaged in coal mine. It is possible, because we are the future professionals in the coal mining industry. The them of my master's thesis is "The research of dynamic processes of the electric starter one end haulage and the development of automatic control of its acceleration."

During the period of my studies at university I have never doubted the correctness of the choice of specialty and have not regretted that I didn’t give preference for the Humanities. After all, industry is growing and it always needs competent professionals. So I hope that my plans won’t be violated, and I'll find a decent job with further career development.

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