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Gubka Yuriy Oleksandrovich

Gubka Yuriy 

Faculty of computer informational technology and automatic

Speciality: Automatic control of technology prosesses

Theme of master's work:

Mine Automatic Control Multistage Water Drainage Parameters Substantiation

Scientific adviser: docent Ogolobchenko Aleksandr Semenovich 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

Date of Birth: December 6, 1988;

Place of birth: Volnovaha Donetsk region;

School: Multi Lyceum ¹ 5 g.Volnovahi 1995 to 2006.;

Donetsk National Technical University, 2006-2011;

Grade point average in the period of study in the Bachelor: 4,75;

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (reading, translation);

Languages: Assembler AVR, C + +.

Professional qualities: a high level of self-responsibility and initiative;

Personal qualities: communicative, politeness, kindness, result-oriented, ability and desire to work in a team;

Hobbies: Electronics, light-music, lasers.

DonNTU Master's portal || Abstract