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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Laktionov Ivan

Laktionov Ivan

Faculty of computer information technology and automatic

Department of electronic technics

Speciality: Electronic systems               

Theme of master's work: Rationale for the study of structure and electronic systems for the detection of fire and explosive situation in industrial enterprises        

 Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Vovna Alexandr

Materials on the theme of master's work:





1NameLaktionov Ivan
2The date of birth3rd of December 1988 year
3The place of BirthCity Snezhnoe, Donetsk region.
4The schoolSchool ¹ 5, Snezhnoe, 1996-2006.
5The universityMagistracy: Donetsk National Technical University, 2010-2012; Bachelor: Donetsk National Technical University, 2006-2010.
6The academic averageMy bachelor academic average is 4.87.
7The language skillsI freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English at sufficient level for reading, dialogue and the letter with the vocabulary.
8The personal achievementsI am the author of four scientific articles. I took part in student's and scientific conferences.
9The hobbiesGames: football, boxing. Music: club. Books: the scientific literature.
10The personal qualitiesResponsible, responsive, sociable, punctual, stable in the stressful situations.
11The computer skills

I have experience of the working with: packages of applied programs: MS Office, MS Visio, MathCAD, MatLab, Compass 3D, LabView; programming languages: Assembler, Pascal, Delphi, C; programs of imitating modeling: Electronics Workbench Pro, Proteus; graphic editors: 3D Max, CorelDraw.

12The additional courses, training, grants
The driving courses, February 2010 - May 2010.
13The experience of workingIndustrial practice in the "Snezhnoe Antracit", July 2009.
14The future plansI’ll want to become the successful person and I’ll want to establish a strong family in the future.
15The contact informationICQ: 449-607-609

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