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Магістр ДонНТУ Осипов Гліб Олександрович

Gleb Osipov

Faculty of computer informational technologies and automatics

Department of electronic technics


Scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems

Theme of master's work:

Methods and means for determining the fractional composition of black powder 

Scientific adviser: Chichikalo Nina 

Мaterials on the final work: 


Methods and means for determining the fractional composition of black powder 

(Summary of research and developments)

 Purpose and objectives

    The purpose of master's work is the study and development of a framework instrument for measuring the fractional composition of black powder (based on the method of measuring the fractional composition described in GOST 8064-72).
    To achieve this goal need to allocate tasks in the work:
- research methods and tools for measuring the fractional composition of gunpowder in the production (during construction and afterwards);
- analysis of external factors that influence the accuracy of measurements;
- Creation of the measurement algorithm based on the fractional composition of the research;
- develop a framework instrument for determining the fractional composition of black powder.

Relevance of the topic

   Gunpowder is considered one of the most significant inventions in human history, since its application has substantially changed priorities in the conduct of hostilities. For example, the powder gave a huge advantage to European colonizers against the indigenous population of America, who had at their disposal only primitive weapons. The basis of this material is a dense mixture containing many different components to help you make the explosive nature of gunpowder. Structural feature a powder mixture is that the fibers that make it can burn independently of each other, thus, totally lacking in oxygen.
   At the same time, the combustion of gunpowder in a natural way leads to the formation of gases, which are very important application in several areas of human activity, such as releasing, the gaseous products formed during the combustion of gunpowder, causing movement of a rocket, but can also be used to implement the process of throwing various projectiles. To the progressive layers of powder combustion occurred correctly, all the elements of this substance must be in a consistent state, without any defects and, hence, under these conditions, the explosion of gunpowder combustion can not occur.
   To date, black powder, used mainly in small, in the artillery guns, and fireworks. On its quality and the exact composition depends on such factors as:
- Shooting accuracy;
- Reducing the time of wear of firearms;
- Ballistic characteristics and properties of the projectile;
- Security shooters during the hunt.
    The cost of quality and reliable firearms can now reach tens of thousands of dollars. Just do not forget the factor of safety of the hunter. It is very important to best protect the hands from negative external factors, which include the random and the failure of weapons from further destruction in the hands of the shooter.
   Problem of non-exact percentage composition of gunpowder caused the need for quality and reliable method for determining the fractional composition of black powder. The basis of this method is precise and quick measurement of the fractional composition of black powder. Therefore, the determination of fractional composition is so important during and after the creation of gunpowder.

Scientific novelty

   Currently available methods for measuring the fractional composition of powders (particularly smoky) have disadvantages, which include:
- speed of determining the composition of matter (the rate of other methods are much less);
- accuracy (GOST error should not exceed 1%).
- Latency effects of external factors on the measurement.
    The method presented so far that is not used with reference to gunpowder. In this connection it is planned to improve the measurement algorithms and structure of the instrument, based on the analysis will be based on electrical signals received from the inductive sensors.

Expected practical results

  As a result of studies to be conducted by me will be to gather enough information to construct a theoretical device that will be used to determine the fractional composition of black powder. The result of the work will be a mathematical description of the process of measuring the weight fractions, and the technological realization of the instrument with the structural scheme.

A review of research on the topic

  To date, the development of virtually being in the domain of the fractional composition of solids. However, this issue, interested in some domestic and foreign firms. My master thesis is a continuation of research and development, as created by experienced experts and young researchers around the world.
   In DonNTU previously conducted on the development of similar themes. However, their number is small, which indicates the novelty of the research work.

Description of the measurement object

   Gunpowder consists of a multi-component solid system that is capable of burning to a natural parallel layers without oxygen access from the outside with the release of large quantities of heat and gaseous products that are used for throwing projectiles, the movement of missiles and other purposes. Gunpowder is classified as a class of propellant. Under appropriate conditions, the initiation of gunpowder capable of detonation is similar to high explosives, making black powder for a long time was used as a blasting explosive. With long-term storage more than the normal for this time of gunpowder or save in inappropriate conditions, there is a chemical decomposition of the components of gunpowder and change its operating characteristics (mode of combustion, mechanical properties, etc.). Exploitation and even possession of such powders is very dangerous and could cause an explosion [3].
   Powder are of two types: Mixed (including smoke) and nitrocellulose (smokeless). Propellant used in rocket engines, called the solid propellant. The basis of nitrocellulose propellants are nitrocellulose and plasticizer. In addition to the main components of these powders contain various additives [4].

  The basis for gunpowder is a mixture of sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal. Many countries have their mixing proportions of these components in the CIS countries adopted the following composition: 75% KNO3 (potassium nitrate), 15% C (charcoal) and 10% S (sulfur) [10].
   Role of oxidizer in them does potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate), the main fuel - coal. Sulfur acts as a cementing substance which reduces the hygroscopic powder and facilitates inflammation. Black powder combustion efficiency largely due to the fineness of components, complete mixing and shape of grains in the finished form.
   Several varieties of black powder:
    - rope (for safety fuse);
    - coarse (for primers);
    - medlennogoryaschy (for moderators in the tubes and fuses);
    - mine (blasting);
    - hunting;
    - sports [6].

    Highly flammable powder under the action of flame and sparks, and dangerous to handle. Stored in airtight box.On hygroscopic, and when the moisture content of more than 2% become ill flammable. The manufacturing process involves mixing of black powder finely ground ingredients and processing the resulting powder pulp until seeds set sizes. Corrosion trunks when using black powder is much stronger than that of nitrocellulose propellants, as a byproduct of combustion is sulfuric and sulfurous acid. Currently, black powder used in fireworks and rifle cartridges. Until the end of the XIX century used in a firearm or explosive ordnance [8].
   Typical detonation black powder has the following characteristics:
   - Temperature of the explosion - 2400 ° C;
   - Detonation velocity - up to 340 m / s;
   - Energy of the explosion - 720 kcal / kg;
   - Gas volume - 280 l / kg;
   - Gas pressure - 6900 bar;
   - Mass density of 2 g / cm ^ 3 [9].

Description of the projected unit

   At the heart of the instrument is created by GOST 8064-72. Essentially, the method proposed Standard is sifting sample powder on the stand to determine the fractional composition and then determining the weight of powder remaining on the upper sieve, passing only the upper sieve, and passed the upper and lower  sieve.Test to determine the fractional composition of selected technical documentation for the smoky gunpowder duly approved [2].
   Stand is a wooden box into which you install the silk and brass wire mesh, as well as aluminum tray. Housing attach to the four wooden plate cushioning racks that are installed on the foundation, and lead to vibrate in a horizontal position by a mechanical cam drive. The frequency of double vibrations must be equal to 150 ± 2 per minute. Oscillation amplitude 70 ± 10 mm.Sieve must be square. Side of the square must be 400 ± 2 mm. The upper wall of the enclosure has a bunker-funnel for download the stand sample powder. The stand and sieves must be grounded. To ground the silk screens for the last pull brass mesh № 2,5. Before you begin visually inspect the integrity and purity of the sieves.
    About 2 kg of powder poured through a funnel hopper at the top sieve of the stand. Then include a stand and a stopwatch, and after 1 minute - turn off. Powder remaining on the top sieve, the powder passing through the bottom sieve is weighed.

   This method is good, but not automatic. Weight which weighed powder and parts thereof, may give a significant error, and may not be accurate enough for today. Can be used instead developed a device based on the inductive sensors of PD, due to which the accuracy of the measurements will be very large, and the error will reach 0.01%. Just do not forget that this unit can display the results on display, as soon as you turn off the stand. Due to this advantage, you can speed up production and quality control, as the correction of the fractional components of gunpowder to be fast and accurate enough.
   Block diagram of the device depicted in Figure 3.
ris 5
Figure 3 is an animation. Parameters: the number of frames - 10, the number of cycles of repetition - 5, volume - 139 kb.

    The first such device is useful in the production of propellants for hunting and for military ordnance because of its high accuracy and speed. Also, this device may facilitate the procedure for determining the fractional composition and other powders. But so also should not forget about safety because it is in the manufacture of producer monitoring and adjusts the fractional composition of black powder, which in turn has a big impact, for example, the safety of an arrow while hunting. Non-compliance with correct aspect powder can:
- adversely affect the firearm as a result of the shotgun or similar hunting weapons may withdraw their system before they are due,
- be a consequence of the increased number of burning at a shot,
- degrade the ballistic properties of shells and bullets, as a consequence of their flight path will be different, and the arrow will be much harder to hit the target [7].


   This instrument uses a method based on GOST 8064-72, but the measure will pass faster and more accurate than the above-described Standard requires.
   The device uses in the basis of inductive  sensors. The main part of the device is a microprocessor, which controls virtually all functions of the device.
    The proposed method can be adapted to measure not only smokeless powders, but also for some other solids.
    Further my research in this area will focus on detection and removal of the external factors affecting the quality of measurement and improvement of technologies for determination of fractional composition of bulk and granular substances.


1. ГОСТ 8064-72 Пороха дымные. Метод определения фракционного состава.
2. ГОСТ 1028-79 Пороха дымные. Общие технические условия.
3. Будников М. А., Левкович Н. А., Быстров И. В., Сиротинский В. Ф., Шехтер Б. И. Взрывчатые вещества и пороха – М.: Государственное издательство оборонной промышленности, 1955. – 364 с.
4. Зельдович Я.Б., Лейпунский О.И., Либрович В.Б. Теория нестационарного горения пороха. М. : Наука, 1975. 180 c.
5. Зарко В.Е., Леонов Г.Н., Григорьев В.Г. Исследование профиля температуры в газовой фазе стационарно горящего пороха. Физика горения и методы её исследования. ЧГУ, г.Чебоксары, 1975 г.
6. Горст А.Г. Пороха и взрывчатые вещества. – М.: Машиностроение, 1978. – 207с.
7. Гальвиц У. Артиллерийские пороха и заряды. – М.: Из-во ОП, 1950. – 194 с.
8. Мержанов А.Г., Дубовицкий Ф.И. К теории стационарного горения пороха// ДАН  СССР. – 1959. – т.129, №1. – С. 153-156.
9. Зельдович Я.Б. К теории горения порохов и взрывчатых веществ// ЖЭТФ.–1942. –т.12., Вып.11/12. – С. 498-524.
10. Ляпин Н.М., Коробкова Е.Ф., Староверов А.А. и др. Патент РФ №2165402, МПК С06 В 25/18. Способ получения пироксилинового пористого пороха для патронов к стрелковому оружию. БИ. 2000. №29.

  Important note: when writing this master of the abstract work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2011. Full text of the work and materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.

Мaterials on the final work: 
