Gurov Aleksey

Faculty: Computer Science and Technology

Speciality "Software engennering"

Theme of master's work:

Realistic stereo visualization of three-dimensional scene using ray tracing on specialized parallel computing systems

Scientific adviser: Sergei Zori


Name Gurov Alexey Volodimirovich
Date of birth 15.10.1989..
Place of birth Donetsk
School Donetsk school № 67 1996-2006
University Bachelor: 2006-2010 DonNTU
Graduate: 2010-2012 DonNTU
Average 4,98
Languages russian - excellent
ukrainian - excellent
english - Intermediate
Hobbies sports: basketball, billiards
books: Adventure, Fantasy
music: electro, rap
Personal qualities decency
Computer skills 1. OS Windows XP, Windows 7.
2. Databases: MS Access, MySQL.
3. Programming: C, C + +, C #, Java, Lisp, Prolog, PHP, HTML, VRML, Pascal
4. Development environment: Microsoft VS 2005-2008, Eclipse, PhpEd, Macromedia, Borland C + +, Borland Delphi
Additional training, internships, grants driving license "B" category
Experience of Practical Ukrtelecom: programmer
FSStore: JavaScript, Sencha Touch программист, 4 месяца
Contacts e-mail:
YahooMessenger: aleksey.gurov