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DonNTU master Vladimir Zaslavskiy

Vladimir Zaslavskiy

Faculty of computer siences and technology

Speciality "Information Management Systems and Technologies"

Department of Automated Control Systems

Optimization system of client requests to the servers of a distributed database

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. ACS Associate Professor Elena Savkova


Birth date: 23.07.1989

Birth place: Donetsk, Ukraine

Schools: Progimnaziya (1 – 3 grades, 1996 – 1998), DNJSC ¹99 (5 – 8 grades, 1999 – 2002), Donetsk Lyceum "Intellekt" (9 – 11 grades, 2003 – 2005)

College: DonNTU (bachelor, 2006 – 2009; graduate, 2010 – 2011)

GPA: 3,94


Computer skills: