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Kosolukin Dmitriy

Dmitriy Kosolukin

Faculty: Physical and metallurgical

Department Technical thermal physics

Speciality: Industrial heat engineering

Theme of master's work:

Methodology of option optimal parameters of recuperators for heating furnaces

Scientific adviser: Alexey Birukov

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links

Main professional skills: analysis of heating furnaces, heat networks; development of methodology of choosing optimal parameters for recuperators; design of boilers and gauging equipment. Middle mark in the period of studies in an university 4,55. Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian, In a volume, sufficient for correspondence, fluent in English. I have an experience with the engineerings packages of MathCaD, COMPASS. By MathCad develop the universal program of search of optimum surface of heating of recuperator. Interested in developments in a sphere of energy-saving. I am interested in fishing and politics.