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Belotserkovych Alena

Belotserkovych Alena

Teaching and Research Institute "Graduate School of Economy and Management"

Faculty: Economic

Department: Economic and Marketing

Specialty: Economy of the enterprise (Marketing)

Theme of my master's work:

"Improvement of marketing activities on enterprises of basic industries"

My supervisor: Yarim-Agaev Alexander



Date of birth: 16 august 1989;

Birth-place: Dokuchaevsk;

School: Dokuchaevsk general school ¹ 5 (1996 – 2006);

Uneversity: Donetsk national technical university, 2006 – 2010, bachelor;

Donetsk national technical university, 2010 – 2011, master's degree;

Middle mark for period of teaching : 4,81;

Languages: Russian and Ukrainian (native), English (itermediate)

Hobbies: travel (active rest), rollers;

Information technology: OS Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista; MS Office 98/2000/2003, MS PowerPoint; Internet;

Personal qualities: responsibility, honesty, organizational skills, neatness, punctuality, adherence to principles,initiative.

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