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gorozhankina alla

Gorozhankina Alla

Faculty: Economics

Speciality: Economics of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Management of enterprise profit

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor Svetlana Krapivnitskaya

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Date of birth: 13.12.1989.

Hometown: Donetsk.

Schools: 1996-2003 – Studying at school ¹ 54.

2003-2006 – Studying in Donetsk college.

Higher education: 2006-2010 – Bachelor's Degree in Business Accounting, Donetsk National Technical University.

2010-2011 – Master's Degree in Enterorise Economy, Donetsk National Technical University.

Average score during studying in the Bachelor: 4.27.

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (Intermediate).

Hobbies: music (playing piano) and vocal.

Personal qualities: responsible, sociable, friendly.

Computer skills:

Plans for the future: protecting the master's degree and employment in the specialty.