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Master DonNTU Ekaterina Kozlova

Ekaterina Kozlova

Teaching and Research Institute, Graduate School of Economy and Management

Faculty of economics

Department of Economics and Marketing

Specialty: Economy of the enterprise (Marketing)

Theme of my master's work:

Forming an effective mechanism for pricing utilities

Scientific adviser: Amelnitskaya Elena

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

Biography :


- What smells like childhood? - Candy, laughter, cocoa...

I was born in the spring sun in the morning on the 12th of May 1989 in Kramatorsk. Date predicted at the end of May, so my appearance was a surprise for relatives. I was named in honor of father's grandmother. My parents, mom - Olga and dad - Alexander never been strict with me and have done very much to my childhood was interesting and enjoyable. I am a second child in the family; my brother Maxim is older than me by 2 years. Like most kids, I went to kindergarten; I liked to take part in various matinees. I grew curious child.


All 10 years of school time, I spent in the "A" class of secondary school ¹ 17 of Kramatorsk. My "first bell" to be remembered as one of the most anticipated and exciting moments of my childhood. I was lucky with the teachers. In school, all subjects were given me good, but I especially liked Russian literature. Always I liked to participate in various school events, competitions, in general took an active part in school life. The senior classes were more intense and fun, because except school, I studied drawing, modeling clothes and dancing. I met the best friends in school.


When I became a question of choosing a future profession, my parents gave me full right to choose the university and profession. After some hesitation, wanting to develop not only my own rational abilities, but creative ideas, I decided to enter the Donetsk National Technical University on specialty "Business Economics (Marketing), and have passed exams. The most severe issued the first course, even when only "poured" into the studying process. The remaining years of study I passed more relaxed and interesting, met many wonderful people, and participated in various competitions for students, won the science competition on marketing. Hours spent at lectures, home over notes, attached forces and emotions have not been in vain, and at the Masters course I enter went on a budget. Study at the University gave me not only professional knowledge but also changed many of my views, expanded my horizons, gave friends.

Currently I am finishing the second semester of study at master's and together with my scientific Amelnitskaya Elena Vladimirovna, candidate of economic sciences, working on a master’s project, whose theme is: «Forming an effective mechanism for pricing utilities».


In the near future, I plan to finish and successfully defend a master's work. After graduation, I want to find interesting jobs in field, to have a friendly family, will be a good mother, as well as travel to many parts of the world, especially I always wanted to visit France.