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Lelyakowa Katya

Lelyakowa Katya

Department: Enterprise Economy

Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

Planning of innovative activities of the economic entity in an unstable environment

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Science, Stepanowa Tatyana

Materials on the theme of master's work: : Resume

Abstract on master’s thesis:

Planning of innovative activities of the economic entity in an unstable environment

The topicality of the work

In market conditions company can find itself like a defaulter or become a victim of «foreigner» bankruptcy. For many years to keep business activity and profitability requires the development of improved methods of analysis and prognosis, the ability to build accurate and adequate long-term aspect of scenarios in an unstable enterprise through the creation of an effective planning system [1].

Commercial activity always requires a range of business alternatives in management company that makes a wide variety of making decisions, taking into account the specific characteristics of business activities, the amount of costs, terms, results and other. Therefore it is necessary to predict the possible results of making various specific solutions and large complexes of various management scripts measures to evaluate the adaptability of companies and find the right management decisions in terms of variability of the environment.

At present time the global financial crisis begins to stabilize by the relative balance of the legal framework, property rights and other. However, following the world trends in Ukraine, sometimes unpredictable changes of macroenvironment organizations that require new approaches in management activity, reorientation of the leaders in proactive and reactive iterative solution, based on forecasting and planning activities in all spheres.

This significantly increases the requirements for qualifications, knowledge, skills and management abilities, knowledge that helps organizations to cope with the changes that occur in the business environment and, consequently, is a key factor in its success and ability to survive. Approved quality managers and effective strategic solutions provide companies a sufficient degree of competitiveness and established market position, justifying the prospects for further development [2].

In terms of prevention and planning study of crisis, the most important task of each organization is the operative study of changes in business environment factors and appropriate staging of anti-crisis process decision making. Their output at present is carried out without adequate consideration of opportunities and threats of the environment on the basis of financial techniques and tools that are used as an information base accounting records that has internal organizational basis [3].

The extent of the problem investigation. In the scientific literature on the value of the business environment and the necessity to consider forces, external to the organization and planning, deals with the end of 1950 and the present. Strategic aspects of the analysis environment are investigated in the works of such scholars as M.M Alekseev, V.M Arkhipov, A.S Vyhanskyy, I.N. Herchykova, S. Glazev, A.P Gradova, E.M Korotkoye, A.I Naumov, I. Petraki, Z.P Room, E.A Smirnov, E.A Utkin and others.

Question of process planning and implementation of management decisions on innovation and other activities in enterprises is the subject of numerous studies in the economic literature, devoted to scientific papers which is led by such experts as V.A Bespalov, V.I Varfolomyeyev, V.A Vinokurov, N.L Kardanskaya, M.I Kruglov, B.G Litvak, A.G Porshnyev, N.A Solomatin, R.A Fathutdinov, V.S Yukayeva and others [4].

These issues were reflected also in the works of foreign scientists, such as: I. Ansoff, R. Akoff, P. Drucker, Boris Karloff, F. Kotler, Dzh.K Laftah, M.K Meskon, A.D Strickland, A.A Thompson, B.C Uotermen, ZH.R. Phillips, F. Hedouri, A. Chandler, Art. Young T and others [5].

Therefore large number of works devoted to the studied area, but it is necessary to clarify some important theoretical and methodological provisions relating to examination of the conditions and methods for assessing the business environment organizations, namely:

1. researches limited in theoretical level of use;

2. does not fully taken into account the specific economic decisions;

3. mathematical models are not clearly presented in economic justification of decisions.

Practice shows that the Ukrainian enterprises need to examine the conditions and threats from the business environment where the information processes of decision making is provided and the choice of leaders behavior who take management decisions.

Lack of development of separate and practical aspects of the issues identified the range of direction and goals of the present research paper [6].

The purposethe work

The purpose of this master's work is the development of practical recommendations to improve the validity of planning innovative activities of the entity in an unstable environment.

To achieve this objective is stated and solved the following problems, which caused the sequence of stages of this research:

- To study of theoretical and methodological foundations of interrelation of the business environment of the planning process and strategic management decisions.

- To define the characteristics of specific management decisions that have developed in the business environment in the region.

- To develop a system that will improve the quality of planning policy-making sphere of innovation activity in unstable business environment.

- Formation of model selection procedures and criteria of innovation planning entity in an unstable environment, given the anticipated impact to business environment [8].

The object of master planning is the process of innovation activities of the entity in an unstable environment.

Subject of the investigation of principles and methods of planning innovative activities of the entity - specific business environment of the organization.

Methodical principle of work

systematic approach to the method, program-based and integrated approaches, the method of comparative characteristics, methods of mathematical statistics, methods of social research, economic - mathematical methods and models; SWOT - analysis, dialectical approach, the principle of historicism, analysis, synthesis, formal method logic [7].

Practical significance

the basic methodological statements and recommendations of the master's work focused on their practical application in the business to ensure that both economic activity and reducing the risk of innovation planning entity.

Abstract major sections.

The present research paper consists of introduction, three sections, conclusions and bibliography list.

In the introduction the topicality of the research paper is examined, made it’s aims and objectives, the scientific innovation is disclosed, the theoretical and practical importance of the work.

The first chapter deals with disclosure of theoretical and methodical aspects of planning in general and innovation in particular in an unstable environment:

1. The concept of planning

2. The principles of planning.

3. Features of planning of innovative activities of the economic entity in an unstable environment.

In the second section the conceptual framework of innovation to improve the planning of the entity is examined:

1. Formation of goal planning innovation entity.

2. Features planning of research services to the enterprise.

3. The diagnosis of the state of the given enterprise.

4. Methods of making decisions aimed at improving the planning of innovative activities of the entity

The third section presents recommendations on improving innovation in planning in uncertainty conditions :

1. Diagnosis of the challenges of external and internal environment.

2. Financial aspects of innovation planning entity

3. Consideration of risk and uncertainty in planning innovative activities of the entity.

In conclusion, the main conclusions and recommendations from the study are made.

Summary not yet complete. Master's thesis is in the process of refining, supplement the information and improvement.


  1. Law on Innovation Activity "from 04.07.2000, ¹ 40 (Supreme Council of Ukraine 2002, ¹ 36, Art. 266)
  2. Balabanov Y.T. Innovative management: learning. The manual for high schools. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2001 - 303 sec.
  3. Innovative management: cases. / Ed. PN Zavlyna, AK Kazantsev L.Ý. Myndely, ed. Second, pererab. And add. - Moscow: TSYSN, 1998 -568 g s.
  4. R.A Fathutdynov / Innovative Management. - St. Petersburg.: Peter, 2002. - 400 pages.
  5. Vylenskyy P.L, LyvshetsV.N., Orlova E.R, Smolyakov SA, Evaluation investment projects. - Moscow: Delo, 1998 - 215 sec.
  6. Innovative management: learning. Benefit / Goldstein GY - Taganrog / Edition. Taganrog, 1999 - 511 sec.
  7. Lymytovskyy M.A / Fundamentals of financial investment and assessing solutions. M.: DEKA,, 1996 - 315 sec.
  8. Modern approach to the economic assessment of the effectiveness of potential innovative projects. - Ed. S. Gavrilova, 1998 - 378
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