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Linenko Artem

Artem Linenko 

Faculty: Economics

Speciality: Economics of Enterprise

Scientific adviser: Fishchenko Oksana 

About author

Control of economic security of enterprise

(Summary of research and developments)

Introduction (Motivation)

Topicality of the theme. Currently the economy of our country is going through a difficult period. The world economic crisis, law disabilities, economic reforms of the government, outdated equipment and technology, staff incompetence, the pressure of criminal gangs - all leaving their mark on the enterprise as a whole, and its development in particularly. Therefore, successful operation and economic development of Ukrainian enterprises in many respects depends on the improvement of their activity in the field of economic security. But an important aspect of effective management is understanding economic security as a complex phenomenon. Therefore the problem of search and introduction into practice new forms and methods of management, development of economic security strategy would allow companies to prepare and implement appropriate programs of action to neutralize and eliminate internal and external constantly emerging threats.

Survey of research and developments

There was found not so many papers on the subject of economic security at the university level, but nonetheless some works should be noted, such as university's professor F. Evdokimov, which research topic has been mostly technical and technological component of economic security, and Rudenko L. chair of foreign-economic activity, whose work is devoted to social and human components of the economic security of coal producers and other enterprises. Also master thesis of Belozubenko V. "Factors and methods of evaluation of economic security" should be noted. There was thoroughly reviewed and upgraded evaluation of technical and technological components of economic security. Similar topic was viewed by Borodina O., but in contrast to the first work, the main subject of the thesis was methodological approaches to evaluate ESE and the goal was its development and identification of factors of internal and external environment affecting the ESE.

The theoretical basis of economic security have been studied by scientists such as Hrunin O., Kirichenko R., Lohomova N., Muntian V., Novikova O., Pasternak-Taranushenko G., Shavayev A., Shemayeva L. On a practical level the problem of economic security of the enterprise, methods and algorithms of its providing the most fully revealed in the works of such scholars as Blank I., Kozachenko A, Kavun S. and Ponomarenko V. But, however, economists still disagree on the most accurate and most complete formulation of the concept of economic security. Despite the importance of research there is no reflection of some theoretical and methodological issues associated with the strategy of ensuring economic security, the problems of complex analysis of economic security, and issues of practical implementation of measures to protect enterprises from external and internal threats.

Main planned results

Reviewing the statement of economic security of many local scientists, we can conclude that the economic security of the enterprise (ESE) is a comprehensive description under which the protectability level of all types of enterprise's potential from internal and external threats is understood, which ensures stable activity and efficient development and should be controlled by administration of the enterprise. In solving problems of the economic security enterprises focuses primary attention on maintaining the normal rhythm of production and sales, prevention material and financial loss, averting unauthorized access to proprietary information, countering unfair competition and the pressure of criminal gangs. The system of economic security must be set based on risk analysis of bankruptcy and credit businesses. To evaluate these indicators are widely used discriminant factor models developed by American and Western economists. But these models often can not be used for Ukrainian enterprises. For example there is some difficulties in using Altman's models connected with the fact that Altman did not take into account branch features, a variety of economic and competitive environment in which businesses operate. There's also a problem to use models of Springate and Liss. The causes are revaluation of fixed assets, failure to establish the real market price of certain fixed assets and others. In addition, capital stocks in the market environment is almost always 100%, unlike the Ukrainian enterprises, where the proportion of mainly smaller, ie the numerator is far greater than our umovah.Modeli Taflera, Beaver and universal discriminant model for practical application in Ukraine is also not always correct because they do not take into account sectoral characteristics of firms and their inherent forms of business organization. The concept of an integrated system of economic security must include the purpose, objectives and principles of the policy, strategy and tactics of EBP, as well as object and subject of activity. For each enterprise the appropriate measures that adequately meet both its internal and external environment. The transition to a market economy requires managers SEB's ability to navigate in these new industries, as an organization protect trade secrets and stuff.

Conclusions and future research

In view of the oversaid the economic security of the enterprise and its management should be based on the goals of successful operation and development of enterprise in all its spheres of activity and influence, not the principle of profit maximization. Along with these components of ESE as financial, technical, technological, intellectual and human resources, political and legal, ecologacal, innovation should be considered. Main content of innovation component lies in the fact that it is able to affect other parts and to increase their level of economic security by means of application of innovation in manufacturing and management. Control of ESE and EBE itself should be regarded as a dynamic process, not a static phenomenon. Activity of department of economic security, its structure and working methods are defined of the enterprise features and the environment which it interacts with. DES main work should be based on preventive model, but if the threat can not be prevented, the damage shuold be minimized by using the model of active response. Basing on the results of the work methods of preventive measures should be improved and corrected to prevent losses in the future, because to prevent negative developments easier than to deal with their consequences.


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