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Pirogova Iuliia

Pirogova Iuliia

Faculty of Economics

Department of Enterprise Economy

Speciality: Innovation management

Theme of master's work:

Material support of the innovation process

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Science, Bondareva Irina

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author

Abstract on master’s thesis:

Material support of the innovation process

Theme urgency

The problem of material support of domestic enterprises innovative processes become crucial in context of market reforms in Ukraine and management efficiency improving. Methodological and practical bases of the organization of innovative processes material support in the period of transition require work on the details, because foreign experience in this area can not be adapted to Ukraine without taking into account the features of its economy. Inventory control of production enterprises can quickly affect the production process based on the rational use of resources. The importance and the necessity of better management material support of innovative processes connected with the own funds limitations and diverting withdrawal from turnover of the considerable financial resources. Current methods and models of material supply management not allow exactly identify and objectively estimate planned performance of their volumes formation subject to variable conditions of innovative production. Methodological base does not take into account the majority of factors influencing the current demand of materials in the formation of supplies and stocks, as well as risks arising from the order to the final product receipt. Finding ways of effective material support management of enterprises engaged in innovative activities, largely connected with innovative approach to the supply chain organizing. However, at present in a saturated market in the activities of economic agents there is an objective necessity in the development of high technology in the organization of material flow in production as a way to move the material flow from the level of raw material to finished product state. This problem is particularly acute in a period of economy globalization when individual links of the production chain are significantly separated in space. Thus, the development of technologies for the material supply organization of the production is the objective requirement of the market. Obviously, the problem solving of material support of innovative enterprise business processes is important. In the scientific thought of the West the emphasis is not on the price mechanism of competition but on innovation in the processes, which are connected with the improvement of all the economic potential of the enterprise.

In study of the problems of the production material support are involved such domestic and foreign scholars as: Khazanov L.Ya.,Komarnicki J.F., Safronov, N.A., Sergeev IV; Gruzinov V.P., Pushkin P.S., Ovchinnikov S. A., Titov V.I.; Gerasimchuk V.G., Rozenplenter A.E., Vasilkov V.G., Pokropivny S.F., Stevenson, William J., Zaitsev N.L., Volkov, A.I., Devyatkino. A.V., Novitsky N.I., Richard Thomas, Kondratyuk A.I., Pilipenko A.A., Makarovskaya T.P., Bondar N., Tugan-Baranovsky. Significant contribution to the study of innovation made such scholars: Ilyenkov S.D., Kurakov L.P., Krasnokutskaya N.V., Vodachek, A., Vodachkova, V., Geyets V., Ilyenkov S.D., Krasnokutskaya N., Paton B, Pavlenko I.A., Goncharov N.P., Shvidanenko G.A., Antoniuk L.L., Lieutenant A.M., Savchuk V.S., Lower, M. and others. However, the extent and level of scientific development issues of material support of innovative processes are not resolved.

It needs clarification and deepening of the concept "material support of the innovative process”, identification and evaluation of factors, which influence on material support process, analysis of differences between material support of all production and innovative production, as well as identifying ways of its development. Despite the large number of studies and publications dedicated to problems of innovations, these aspects are still debatable. Solving of this problem requires the formation of mechanism of innovative processes material support in the system of organization of production as a whole, and that determines the relevance of the topic, which is under consideration. However, the need of in-depth scientific research of the problems of material support of innovation-specific formation of market relations in Ukraine resulted in choice of topic, and allowed to identify goals and objectives of the Masters work.

The purpose and research problems

The purpose of the graduate research is theoretical basis and development of guidelines for the development of material support of the innovative processes of industrial enterprises in modern economic conditions.

To achieve this goal in the work are provided the following tasks:

The purpose of master's work are the further development of theoretical bases and working out of methodical recommendations concerning an economic substantiation of innovative projects. For object in view achievement such problems have been solved:
- Development of the concept of material support of innovative processes in their modern sense;
- The classification of material security processes at the enterprise and to identify the relationship between them;
- Improving of planning mechanisms to ensure the volume of production material support;
- Development of the methodic of integrated assessment of material support of innovative processes in the enterprise;
- Grounding of rational ways of interaction between enterprises and suppliers;
- Development of recommendations to improve system of financial support;
- Grounding of the necessity to improve the management system providing an innovative material production;
- Grounding of the expediency of supplier selection as a factor affecting the efficiency of the production process;
- Grounding of optimization methods of material support of the innovative process/ efficiency of innovations;

The object of the research is the process of material support of production innovative activities.

Subject of the research are methods and principles of formation, distribution, use and control of material resources to ensure implementation of innovative processes of the enterprise.

Research methods

Methodological basis of this research is the dialectical economic phenomena method understanding and processes in the continuum of their development and relationships. The research used the following methods:
- System approach, which identifies interconnection of elements and components that make up a market economy and allows the research of internal structural-functional, cause-effect, hierarchical, and direct connections.
- Scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, grouping and comparison, as well as abstract-logic are used in the research of theory and practice of innovation activities of organization;
- Method of correlation analysis for the economic evaluation of innovative activities
- Methods of graphics and dynamic series, reports, and grouping, selective, index and correlation analysis – to assess the impact of financial security on the effectiveness of innovative activities of the enterprise.

In the course of research methods of formal and dialectic logic, the qualitative analysis and synthesis (for definition of a role of an economic

Practical value of the received results

Practical significance of the results. Statements and conclusions of master's thesis may apply domestic enterprises in carrying out innovative activities. Recommendations are a system of measures aimed at optimizing the material support of innovative activity of enterprises.  Possible testing. Main items of the work will be reported and discussed on students scientific conferences.

The basic maintenance of the master works

The first section – "Theoretical basis of material support of production – the essence and value of material support, especially to ensure tangible assets of innovative processes, advanced classification, a reasonable method of integrated assessment of material support of the company and analyzed the current state of financial security company.

The second section – "Analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of production and innovation activities of enterprises" – deals with the economic assessment of the production in general, and innovation of enterprises and to identify its impact on the efficiency of the enterprise. In this context, based on our analysis, the factors affecting the efficiency of the enterprise and innovation, and carried out assessment of their impact. Estimation of trends in the development of material support innovation activities of enterprises allowed to draw conclusions about further ways of its development.

In the third section – "Recommendations for the development of financial security in the innovation process" – the expediency of the relationship and interaction between suppliers and the size and scope of supply of material resources at all stages of the innovation process and describes the structure of the proposed system of supply, makes proposals on ways of improving the material innovating enterprises as well as improving the efficiency of production as a whole.

Summary hasn't complete yet. Master's thesis are in the process of refining, ordering, supplement the information and improvement.

List of literature

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