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Suhachova Katya

Suhachova Katya

Faculty of Economics

Department: Enterprise Economy

Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

Development of social innovations in modern conditions of Ukrainian economy

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Science Meshkov Andrei Vitaliovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Resume

Abstract on master’s thesis:

Development of social innovations in modern conditions of Ukrainian economy

Theme actuality

In the conditions of the general acceleration of scientific and technical progress, globalisation and market internationalisation, competition intensification, activization of innovative activity in social sphere is observed [2]. Social problems of development of national economics went out recently on the foreground in all countries of the world. The developing states face mainly problems of insufficient budgetary financing of the social programs caused by small receipts in budgets of all levels through slow economic growth, that, first of all, is connected with low level of a payment and, accordingly, low solvency of the population (the consumer market). The advanced countries have problems of social character of mainly ecological substance. Though and for them there is a problem of deep differentiation of incomes of various groups of the population and the questions of a social inequality connected with it. The world economic crisis of 1997-1998, oil crisis of 2004, increase in specific gravity of invalid citizens of a pension age and other crisis factors influence economic growth and demand cardinal changes in economy. One of the basic ways of overcoming of the crisis phenomena recognises innovative development of economy. However introduction of innovations also can aggravate social problems [5]. Reduction of incomes of working causes raise the reduction of deductions in social budgetary and off — budget funds. Last weakens pension and social security, against a rise in prices can lead to deterioration of position of a considerable part of a society, cause consumption of reduction, and later — both curtailment of production [7]. And crisis, at first economic, and then social, becomes deeper.

To questions of interaction of the economic and social phenomena in a society it is given sufficient attention both foreign, and domestic researchers. Recently many researchers consider this problematics from the point of view of economic globalisation when economic borders extend, any obstacles on movement of the goods, capitals, a manpower disappear. In Ukraine this problem is constantly considered by such scientists, as A.S.Galchinsky, V.M.Geets, V.I.Golikov, M.I.Nizhny, V.P.Miklovda, V.I.Zaharchenko, I.P.Prodius, N.N.Pojda-Nosic, A.P.Revenko. From positions of influence of the society, the separate person, a mental potential of the person on economic development, on stimulation of global processes investigates S.I.Vovkanich's specified problematics. The interaction of regional social and economic processes with ecology questions is studied by S.K.Harichkov, J.I.Stadnitsky, V.M.Stepanov. V.E.Jurintsa, M.I.Nizhnego, A.A.Orlova's works are devoted to questions of modelling of a choice of strategy of social and economic development of the enterprises, etc. However the problem statement in a context of revealing and planning of social consequences of innovative development of the enterprise still demands research and decision.

The purpose and research problems

A research objective is working out of teoretiko-methodological bases of formation of system of the socially-focused planning of innovative development in modern conditions of the Ukrainian economy. With a view of research it is necessary to solve the following basic tasks [6]:

1. To investigate the maintanance of innovative process and its consequence for social development of collective of the enterprise, a community, region. To specify concept "mission" for innovative process and for separate innovations taking into account their influence on social processes, as factor of social development.

2. To investigate social aspects of strategic planning of innovative process at the enterprise.

3. To elaborate a model of definition of strategy of social and economic development.

4. To find out methodological bases organization of process of planning of innovative development of the enterprise under condition taking into account of requirements of its social orientation.

5. To organize methodological approaches to an estimation of social efficiency of innovations.

Object of research is a formation of social innovations in modern conditions of development of economy of Ukraine. Object of research are methods of creation and realization of social innovations at the enterprise.

The methods of research used in work:

- A dialectic method and methods of the analysis and synthesis for:

1)researches of interrelations between innovative and social development of the enterprise;

2) definitions of structure of social consequences of innovative development of the enterprise;

3) definitions of interferences of innovative development of the enterprise and social development of territory (community), region;

4) establishments of structure of social problems of innovative development of the enterprise;

5) definitions of structure of social functions of innovative development of the enterprise;

6) researches of the maintenance of special functions of realisation of social problems of innovative development of the enterprise;

7) definitions of interrelation of strategic and tactical planning in the course of formation and realisation of the socially-focused plans of innovative development of the enterprise.

- Statistical methods and forecasting methods — for a substantiation of conclusions concerning a condition and character of social influences of innovative development of the enterprises in Ukraine.

Scientific novelty of research

Scientific novelty of the carried out research consists in the decision of important scientifically-applied problem on working out of teoretiko-methodological bases of formation of system of social planning of innovative development of the enterprise in which the enterprises along with realisation of measures of innovative process according to plan realize social problems on development of the enterprises and regions.

Practical importance

Practical importance consists in working out of methodical recommendations about planning of innovative processes and separate actions at the enterprise taking into account social results of their introduction.

Structure and work volume

Master’s thesis consists of the introduction, three chapters and conclusions. Materials of master’s thesis contain tables, drawings, appendices and the list of the used sources.

The basic maintanance of work

In the introduction the theme urgency is proved, the purposes and work problems, object and an object of research are formulated, its scientific novelty and practical value are reflected, the information on publications of the author, connection of work with scientific programs and plans, structure магистерской works is given.

In chapter 1 "Development of theoretical bases of innovations in social sphere" questions of development of theoretical bases of innovative activity, social innovations are considered, and also the legislative base of maintenance of efficiency of realization of social innovations is investigated. One of questions in work is the question of influence of social factors of innovative development, realization of social development as for enterprise collective, and a society. It is important to notice, that realization of innovative projects and programs at the enterprises becomes the precondition of change of a social status not only workers of the separate enterprise, but also the whole region, and on a considerable scales of the country. Research important aspect is orientation to the decision of social problems of the society, separate territorial communities. One of important aspects of management of process of social development, planning of social orientation of innovative programs, projects and actions is correct estimation of social factors of innovative development of the enterprise for this purpose the classification of social consequences of innovative development of the enterprise is developed. Leading researches and generalizations of experience of the domestic and foreign enterprises consider the indicators of social development connected with introduction of innovations for an estimation of social consequences at various stages:

1) forecasting of possible social consequences at designing and working out of innovations;

2) planning of activities of social consequences directly in the course of introduction of innovations;

3) actual estimations of the social results received from use of innovations at the enterprise, including their influence on environment.

In the second section "the Analysis of innovative processes in social sphere of the Ukrainian economy" problems and functions of innovative developments of the enterprise are investigated, defined and specified. The purpose of innovative process — accurately expressed essence of its realization is an achievement of the best consumer characteristics of the product produced at the expense of introduction of new technical means, new kinds of raw materials and the materials, completing products, tools, and also ways of the organization of work. The innovation purpose is the expressed essence of its realization — achievement of the best consumer characteristics of the product produced at the expense of introductions of the new means, new kinds of raw materials and the materials, completing products, tools, and ways of the organization of work.

Innovations influence social aspects of life of consumers, and of manufacturers of production, their consequences are: improvement of granting of social services; social security improvement; satisfaction of new social requirements; improvement of an ecological condition of environment; improvement of conditions of a life for consumers of the goods or services; improvement of working conditions for the workers making the goods or services [8].

Working out of programs of social development in modern conditions cannot be torn off from a mainstream of development of economy which innovative development is [9]. Such position in a society when economy development should precede social development, defines also subordination of the last to the first at all stages of management. Therefore it is important to use other plans, other programs for maintenance of social development. Not denying independent social planning and programming, are suggested to make social programs an obligatory stage of formation of innovative plans of the country. Innovative development is difficult enough process which demands the perspective and complex approach, to provide which probably only under condition of application of methodology of strategic planning. At an estimation of strategic alternatives there is their checkup on optimality by the basic criteria among which there are social consequences of innovative development.

In the third section "Recommendations about development of social innovations in modern conditions of the Ukrainian economy" problems of realization of social problems of innovative development of the enterprise as complex problem that should cover all set of administrative means, beginning from planning of social consequences of innovations to realization of actions for an effective utilization of such consequences are considered.

From the point of view of problems of the enterprise and its management on revealing and use of positive social consequences of innovations, or prevention of negative social consequences, it is necessary to note studying of those aspects on which enterprise management can influence and develop corresponding organizational means for such influence, and also to study external factors which tell on efficiency of administrative actions and to generate a complex of means to take into account external factors in management of realization of plans.

Organizational bases of realization of social plans of innovative development of the enterprise should provide formation of a necessary complex of procedures and regulations of realization of innovations with corresponding social result, and also creation of organizational structures which will realize a complex of actions. It is necessary to notice also necessity of introduction of procedures by definition of social and economic efficiency of social consequences of innovative development and fastening of these procedures by the concrete executor. Necessity of the account of influence of innovative projects on social development of collective of the enterprise is feature of our approach to an estimation social and economic efficiency of innovative actions.

From achievements of predecessors, it is possible to tell that there is a necessity to concretize the maintenance of useful results (ecological, social, economic) for their possible subsequent cost estimations [10]. Also we will consider social consequences which can be estimated cost indexes. In particular, here should be included:

Increase in tax deductions in budgets of all levels;

Increase in charitable payments of the enterprise in special funds on realization of social programs of national and local importance;

Increase in tax revenues at the expense of deductions from wages of those workers which have been accepted on the new workplaces created at the expense of innovative actions and others [12].

Thus, if the enterprise has possibility to let out various types of production and to provide various social actions it has a part of means which need to be spent for social actions in case of correct its production, marketing and social policy.


In the master’s thesis the theoretical generalization and the new decision of a problem of formation of system of social planning of innovative development of the enterprise is given. Results of the done work total solve the important scientifically-applied problem on working out of theoretic-methodological bases of development of social innovations in modern conditions of economy of Ukraine in which the enterprises along with realization of measures of innovative process according to plan realize social problems on development of the enterprises and regions.

The carried out research has allowed to draw conclusions concerning researches of innovative development at the modern stage of development of economy of Ukraine. The social sphere already throughout half a century perform as a leading direction of perfection of a public life in economic developed countries. Social aspects took secondary position for a long time in our country on considering the state priorities, including one of last places in providing with financial resources.

On the basis of results of research it is possible to offer:

-The Ministry of Economics of Ukraine to use results of research in working up of standard documents and recommendations about perfection of social planning by the enterprises taking into account innovative development;

-The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for preparation of experts in management sphere to apply theoretical and methodological positions of work in introduction and use of social plans in a control system of the enterprise.

Summary not yet complete. Master's thesis is in the process of refining, ordering, supplement the information and improvement.

List of literature

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