DonNTU DonNTU Masters Portal на русском языке на украинском языке на английском языке

Svetlana Vanko

Faculty: Economics
Department: Enterprise economy
Speciality: Management of Innovation Activities
Theme of Master's work: Management of commercialization of innovation
Scientific Supervisor: Ph.D. Sergey Kravchenko


Research Management of commercialization of innovation


Relevance of the topic. In a market economy based on principles of competition, innovation is a key factor for the development businesses. It is estimated that in industrialized countries from 75 to 85% of industrial production is ensured by an active innovation.Recovery of production in countries facing economic crises also occur through intensification of innovative processes. Thus, if economic agents will not be used to innovate, they have very high chances to stop their activities.

The contemporary challenges of innovation and, accordingly, the business, it carries, is the shortening of the formation of public demand for new kinds of goods and services, caring and interested attitude to the process of commercialization of innovations. It is the latter creates a prerequisite for achieving the innovation process - meeting the needs of society and generating revenue [13].

Commercialization is targeted, but the conditions of its course and outcome depend on the efficiency of its management. Lack of control can lead to the fact that technology transfer, knowledge sharing will take place on a commercial basis or not at all be implemented. This will significantly slow down the transition of the national economy from the export of raw materials of the model to an innovative model of economic growth. Thus, the formation mechanism of control the commercialization of innovation is the actual scientific problem, which has great economic importance.

A case study commercialization of innovation has been and remains the focus of domestic and foreign scholars and practitioners. Study of the general issues of creation and promotion of innovations, including the stage of commercialization, the papers Anshina B., E. Bruce, T. Davila, P. Drucker, A. Egorov, P. Zavlina, O. Zvereva, N. Ivanova, S. Ilyenkov VI Kabakov, A. Kazantsev, R. Cooper, C. Litberta, N. Moncheva, Y. Morozov, E. Mansfield, F. Nixon, K. Oppenlendera, I. Perlaki, E. Popova, K. Puzynya, I.Omelchenko, E. Rogers, R. Roswell, Alexander Rumyantsev, B. Santo, A. Selskova, R. Tucker, B. Twist, A. Tebekina, E. Utkin, R. Foster, B. Hartmann, A. Tsvetkov, Fathutdinova R., C. Freeman, G. Hemela, R. Shelton, J. Schumpeter, J. Yakovets etc.

Investigation of individual aspects of the commercialization of innovations, including models, mechanisms and factors of its implementation are devoted to the works of S. Brazinskasa, P. Bakey, L. Vasiliev, V. Vorontsov, G. Gumerova, I. Dezhina, J. Kingham, V. Mukhin A. Trifilova, B. Rizatdinova, P. Sushkov, O. Tarasova, Vladimir Titov, N. Fonshteyna, K. Khomkin, X. Shoha, A. Yanovsky and others

Problems of innovation in small companies devoted to the works of Aldoshina VM, Duffy, P., Kolganova SK, Neubauer, H., Shatrakova AY et al

Despite the large volume of scientific papers and publications on selected issues within it remain a number of problems are not adequately investigated. Among them, the commercialization of research innovation management. The relevance of the theme and its degree of scientific development of predetermined goals, objectives, object, object.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim is to develop a theoretically sound and practical recommendations for managing the commercialization of innovation.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problem:

- Clarify the nature of the commercialization of innovation, management, commercialization;

- Identify and analyze the constraints and enabling factors of commercialization of innovations;

- Identify the main options for commercializing innovations at different stages of innovation;

- Make recommendations for improving the management of commercialization.

Object of study - the process of managing the commercialization of innovation.

Subject of research - the forms, principles, methods, management of innovation commercialization.

Methods: systems analysis, complex analysis, comparison methods, structuring, classification.

The main content of work.

In the introduction, marked urgency, the goal of work based on the objectives identified the problem.

The first section "Theoretical aspects of the commercialization of innovation," examined the concept of commercialization, innovation, innovation.

Commercialization is represented as a process and a set of actions aimed at the transformation of scientific achievements in the real innovation in new products and services in the marketplace that brings together the material production and social sphere (Fig. 1).

Protsesny approach to commercialization involves the total and clear sequence of actions that are aimed at a specific result - Launch of new goods and services required for the growth of income. Presentation of the commercialization process as a means not only the transformation of innovation in the goods and services, but also the timeliness of these actions, ie perspective of their demand for the public. At the same time there is oncoming traffic study and approval process of its introduction to market economic conditions.

Fig. 1. Process the contents of commercialization of innovations

The effectiveness of commercialization, in addition to traditional areas related to the increase in new products, improve its quality parameters, stability and price reduction also creates the possibility of return on investment in research and their continued funding. Commercialization can be represented as a catalyst for generating new sectors in the actual production and the social sphere, motivator comprehensive modernization of the existing economic agents [13].

As in the first section of study constraints and enabling factors, the commercialization of innovations. In turn, each group is divided into internal and external. By stimulating the internal include: the complexity of resource support of the commercialization process of innovation (financial, human, organizational, logistical and technological) process improvement of the legal support process, transfer of innovative products, including the enforcement of intellectual property, etc.

External constraints: the existing level of technological backwardness, low level of investment attractiveness, lack of development of innovation infrastructure and technology market [12].

Thus, the essence of the commercialization of innovations, the analysis of its principles is the basis for the development of methodological approaches to managing it.

In the second section, "Development of methodological approaches to the commercialization of innovation" are disclosed and analyzed the existing forms and methods of management.Studied the experience of foreign countries in this region.

Shows the different forms of integration of science and industry: contractual agreement to conduct research in a particular area; subsidizing research, consultancy and exchange of people, technology parks, areas of science and technology, technological co-operation, and large-scale research projects.

This section also examined the management structure of the commercialization of innovation. The following stages: the production system of innovation, systems expertise and legal registration of innovation, commercialization of new products of the system (documentation, licenses, etc.) and innovations (finished goods, services, works).

The third section "Recommendations to improve the management of the commercialization of university innovation" provides advice on a mechanism for managing the commercialization of innovations, in accordance with existing conditions, as well as current legislation.


In writing this master of the abstract work is not completed yet. The text of the work and materials on the topic of work can be obtained from the author or his supervisor in January 2012.


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