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Yazykova Ann

Ann Yazykova

Faculty: Economy

Speciality: Economics of Fuel and Energy Complex

                               Scientific adviser: Alexandr Kendyuhov

About author

Abstract on the theme of master's work:

"Rationale for the prospects of Ukraine's coal industry, based on analysis of the national energy balance"


Actuality of theme...
Providing of power safety of Ukraine depends on the effective management by a fuel and energy complex. Today the revival of fuel and energy complex is the substantial question of policy of our state countries and account of general progress trends of fuel and energy complexes in the countries of world. Providing by own resources is instrumental in the economy of energy and ecological harmony of development of public production. It passes actuality of research of this question problems and prospects of revival of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine.

The degree of scientific processing problems ...
The questions of development of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine were examined in researches of many scientists. The analysis of the last works testifies, that one unsolved problem is perfection of mechanism of management of the resource providing of power safety in Ukraine.

The scientific significance of the work ...
1. Fuel and energy balance of Ukraine was investigational and prognosis balance of power resources is formed;

2. The problems and prospects of development of the Ukrainian energy sector;
3. Considered the main threat to the national energy security;

4. The current state of the coal industry of Ukraine
and other countries;
5. The directions of the coal industry restructuring.

The main content of the work

1. Research of balance of energy in Ukraine

The main tool to implement the energy policy of the state is the energy balance of the country. Energy balance a system of indicators, which are determined by the difference between income and consumption. These indicators characterizes the structure of production and use of energy in the economy. The purpose of the fuel and energy balance is to determine the quantitative and qualitative indicators of production, imports, exports and consumption of fuel resources and energy.
Balance of Fuel and Energy is the basic document that defines the market for fuel and energy. The main components of Ukraine's energy security is energy-intensive economy, the share of domestic production in total energy supply, the degree to ensure energy resources, the share of final energy consumption in the total supply, the average physical wear and the coefficient update of the active part of fixed assets, financial soundness of companies, the duration of its own production. The level of energy development affects the economy of the state to solve social problems and people's lives. Ukraine has a unique geographical position and is an important conveyor of fuel and energy resources. Ukraine has a significant share of energy exports in the gross national product. For the effective development of economy and quality of life of the country to international standards should address the problems:

- Insufficient supply of energy resources and large amount of imported inputs;

- Diversification of energy supplies and strategic reserves; 

- Deterioration of the energy infrastructure and modernization of fixed assets;

- Do not use renewable energy sources;

- High cost of energy resources in their manufacture, transportation, and consumption and introduce energy-saving technologies and equipment;

For this purpose it is necessary to carry out reformation of all economic complex of Ukraine.

2. Prospects of development of Ukraine's coal industry

Coal industry is important industry of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine. She takes important seat in the economy of our state. A coal comes forward a single national power medium which is able to provide power safety. Stability of work of thermal and the power stations hydroelectric depends on his deliveries. For example, from all Ukraine only in Donbass mine coal close-burning. A coal serves as a domestic fuel. The Ukrainian market of coal matters critical for an economy. Mining influences on stability of economic and social development. Financial instability of mines, worsening of mining-and-geological terms of works is instrumental in the lead through of restructuring in coal industry. Restructuring is a difficult economic process which is directed on implementation of strategic measures. Strategic measures are based on   the strategic planning management, which are described in the long-term program of development of industry.
Restructuring of the coal industry should include the following strategic actions:

       1) construction of new mines and cuts;

2) reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises;

3) to stop the closure of mines;

4) establishment of inter-industry complexes that produce the final product;

5) financial support to mine low-power;

6) State assistance for specific mines;

7) targeted support.

To overcome the economic crisis in the coal industry should be taken: 

- Develop advanced fuel and energy balance in the needs of Ukrainian coal;

- Develop a mechanism for reforming the markets of energy resources;

- Improve the mechanism of state regulation of prices and tariffs in the coal industry in view of the economic crisis;

- Make changes and additions to the program "Ukrainian Coal";

- Accelerate the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Principles of operation of the coal market."


      At the present stage of economic development is important for any country is the fuel and energy problem. The successful solution of the problem determines the capabilities, the pace and direction of economic and social development. The introduction of new technology exploration and extraction of natural resources, reconstruction of old enterprises in the new technology will increase the amount of coal, oil and gas. An important factor that can improve the situation in the fuel industry is the implementation of state programs. Necessary restructuring of the economy. This will reduce the energy consumption of domestic production. The introduction of these and other programs will accelerate the development of the fuel industry of Ukraine and to ensure the future of the country all the needs in energy resources.


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