DonNTU Master's portal

Магистр ДонНТУ Лазарева Татьяна Александровна

Tanya Lazareva

Mining and geology Institute

Speciality "Mineral processing"

Research of technology of preparation of limestones with the purpose of the complex use of raw material

Scientific adviser: Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor Elena I. Nazimko



Date of birth   09.06.1987
Birth-place   Donetsk obl., Dokuchaevsk
Schools   1994-2000 — school № 8, Snizhne
  2000-2002 — school № 1, Dokuchaevsk
Institute of higher   2002-2006 — Dokuchaevskiy mining technical school, speciality "Mineral processing", Dokuchaevsk
  2006-2010 — DonNTU, bakalavrat, speciality "Mineral processing", Donetsk
  2010-2011 — DonNTU, master, speciality "Mineral processing", Donetsk
  2010-2012 — DonNTU, specialist, speciality "Management of organizations", Donetsk
Average marks in bachelor's degree   4,97
Languages   Perfect Russian and Ukrainian, Basic English
Hobbies   Drawing, needlework
Personal qualities   Responsible, punctual, purposeful
Skills   MS Windows user, MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Paint),
  Кompas-10, Internet Visual Basic
Plans on the future   defense of master's work (speciality "Mineral processing"),
  defense of diplom (speciality "Management of organizations"),
  to find interesting, perspective, high-paying work
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