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Магистр ДонНТУ

Melnick Vera 

Faculty mountain - geological

A department is "Surveyor business"

Speciality "Mining surveying"

Working out of computer model for the forecast of seismic activity of the rocks resulted by clearing works (SACW)

Scientific adviser: d.t.s., professor Nazimko Victor  



1. Date of birth: On November, 18th, 1988

2. The birthplace: Makeevka, Donetsk region, Ukraine.

3. Secondary education: Don comprehensive school I-III of steps

4. University: Donetsk national technical university (bachelor) 2006-2010

5. University: Donetsk national technical university (master) 2010-2011

6. Average ball in training – 4,35

7. I know the Ukrainian language, English in volume sufficient for correspondence, native language is russian

8. Hobbies:

   1) tennis, basketball, volleyball, any intellectual games;

   2) books: classics, mainly Russian (F.M.Dostoevsky...), historical novels (A.Duma), books on a theme "the Person of the person", books of informative character, detectives ("Financier"), adventure genre (now like less);

   3) music: classics (Albinoni, Vivaldi, P.Maurat), tool music

   4) Driving on the roller fads.

9. Personal qualities: quiet, friendly, true.

10. I am able to use the computer:

   a) Programming languages: Pascal, Visual Basic;

   b) Operational system: Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/Vista/Seven

   c) Freely I own appendices MS Office;

   d)Control system of databases: Microsoft Access.

11. Plans for the future: to realise itself as the person on a maximum.

12. The contact information: