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Nazarian Artur

Nazarian Artur

Faculty "Mining and Geology"

Department "Technology of Exploration Work"

Speciality "Drilling"

Improvement of technical equipment for controlling the flow of drilling fluid in the well

Scientific adviser: Artur Karakozov



1. Name – Nazarian Artur Oganesovich
2. Birthday – 28.01.1990
3. Place of birth – Gyumri (Leninakan), Armenia
4. Education:
    - 1996-2000, from 1 to 5 class, school ¹89, t. Makiivka
    - 2000-2006, from 6 to 11 class, school ¹18, t. Makiivka
    - 2006-2010,Donetsk National Technical University, bachelor
    - 2010-2012, Donetsk National Technical University, master
5. GPA – 4,67
6. Languages:
    - Russian perfectly
    - Ukrainian perfectly
    - Armenian perfectly
    - English on the sufficient level
7. Achievements:
    - 23-25.03.2010, third place in the All-Ukrainian competition of scientific works in the Ivano-Frankivsk city;
    - 19.04.2010, first place at the first All-Ukrainian Forum students drillers, 2010, Dnepropetrovsk;
    - 25.06.2010, utility patent;
    - 2006, norm of candidate master in chess.
    - 20.04.2011, first place at the second All-Ukrainian Forum students drillers, 2011, Dnepropetrovsk;
8. Hobbies – chess, billiards
9. Personal qualities – responsibility, goal-oriented, easily trained
10. Computer skills:
     1. Operating System - Windows;
     2. Application areas – Ansys CFX;
     3. Programming languages - Pascal, Delphi;
     4. IDE – Autocad, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ-3D.
11.Approbation of the master's work – International conference "Rock cutting and metalworking tools – equipment, technology for its manufacture and applications ",Institute for Superhard Materials, name of V.N.Bakulya National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
12. Work experience – In 2011, in the company "Ekometan" and ZAO "Yugovostokgaz"
13. Plans for the future – the protection of master's work and self-realization in the industry drilling.
14. Contact Information:
     E-mail –
     ICQ – 617293597
