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Polii Danylo 




Mining and Geology


Магистр ДонНТУ Полий Даниил Васильевич


Geoinformatics and Geodesy




Land management and cadastre


Theme of master's work:



Research of the problems of the court desicion of land disputes


Scientific adviser:



Associate professor, candidate of engineerings sciences Andolenko S.











The grade point average during the period of studying is 4,5.



I can speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I have working knowledge of English.


Computer skills

I have good skills working with such programs as AutoCAD, ArcView, Mathcad, Invent, Digitals, office programs, graphics editors- Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Lightroom, Corel Draw. I have studied programming of Object Pascal in object computing Delphi.


Personal achievements

I finished the reserve-officer training department with a grade of second lieutenant. I have a driver license for category B. I studied piano at the music school.










I have an experience in the advertising field: on the international exhibition (China), on Ukrainian national and regional exhibitions (Kiev, Donetsk).


I am fond of sport, photography, reading and design.

Professional qualifications

Sense of purpose, sociability, team spirit, stress resistance.