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Ivanenko Ivan

Alexander Popov

Mining and geological institute

Speciality: Mining surveying

Research and estimation of supplies of coal are in the areas of breaking up of coal beds

Scientific adviser: Irina Filatova

About author

Abstract on the topic of final work

Table of contents

Actuality of work

The purpose of work

Research objectives

Summary of work



Actuality of work

Current sedimentary strata formed in Donbass plain land area articulated with marine basin through the area occupied by bays, lagoons, lakes and swamps. Each coal seam, in turn, may consist of parts of the same composition, but differing from one single specific indications, as well as from parts of different composition. In turn, each part of the layer can be more fine-bedding, which is determined by location and by small puff inside the layer. Reservoir as part of a stratification of sedimentary rocks can break down into subordinate elements of layering, located in many different ways in relation to the boundaries of the reservoir. Primary deposits are formed in the process of sedimentation (sedimentation), the main stages of sedimentation, creating layered sediment, are: 1) Sorting of sediment in its loss. Under the influence of gravity of any sediment tends to lie horizontally and parallel sorting by size and weight. The horizontal stratification is the result of the periodicity of mostly external factors sedimentation. 2) The redistribution of the precipitate on the bottom of the movement of the bottom sediments of the environment (currents and waves). 3) redistribution and change of composite components has been precipitate in diagenesis (including organic matter decomposition), which leads to the formation of diagenetic or mixed sedimentary-diagenetic bedding. Geometrization of the morphology of the coal seam includes a series of sequential steps in the preparation and processing of mining and geological information. It should serve as a basis for determining the limits of counting of coal reserves and forecasting of quantitative and qualitative production faces.

The purpose of work

The purpose of work - research and evaluation of coal reserves in areas of the splitting of coal seams on the basis of the application of methods of mathematical statistics, geometry and qualimetry subsoil. The object of study - the coal seam in the zone splitting of coal seams. The research subject - the variability of morphology of Donbass coal seams.

Research objectives

Research objectives: - research methods and the geometrization qualimetry subsurface morphology of the coal seams; - geometrization of the morphology of the coal seams; - practical application of these results to specific examples and calculation of reserves. Research methods. The stated purpose of the work accomplished by an integrated method of research, including collection, processing and compilation of data sampling of coal seams of different mines of Donbass, using methods of mathematical statistics, geometry and qualimetry bowels; establish regularities of changes in the morphology of coal seams

Summary of work

The first section is devoted to an analysis of master's thesis research variability of the Donbass coal seams, the study of issues related to the assessment of indicators of coal deposits on the basis of the geometrization, a review of practical assessment of coal reserves. Significant contribution to addressing the geometrization made famous scientists M. Leontovsky, VI Baumann, PK Sobolewski. Further development of these issues continued in their disciples and followers: IN Ushakov, PA Ryzhov, ZD Nizguretskogo, VA Bukrin, VM Gudkov, GI Vilesova, DA Kazakov, AA Trofimova, VM Kalinchenko, VI Kuzmina and others. Source of information about the coal seam is the exploration and its main tool - test. The results of the test bed exploration wells should be considered as a system of irregularly located data, which includes windows pass information and data covering the inequality test bundle-and interlayers. Heterogeneity testing in the area, the distribution and scatter of values for an image of the coal seam require the use of different techniques for creating topographic surfaces. Particular attention should be given in a detailed study of patterns of dissemination of the indicators of coal, use of theory and practice of estimating reserves, evaluating geological information without increasing the volume of exploration drilling

The second section of Master's thesis will study the results and materials testing. In the basis of this research scheme for describing the overall structure formation model. The order of the layers of this model is determined on the basis of lithological and morphological analysis of coal and rock stacks of layers using a comparative cross-sections. To determine the missing values in the sampling points on coal packs and breed interbeds planned to use the structure developed by the head of the expert assessment (Table 1), the main characteristics of which are the number of samples, the variability of the classification performance. As an indicator of variability in estimates used in practice the coefficient of variation with the boundary characteristic of 20%. According to the results of morphological analysis of reams of coal and rock intercalations of coal formed a database describing the morphology of coal seams. Methods and the geometrization qualimetry subsoil is scheduled to perform a comprehensive study of indicators of coal, which is to establish relationships between indicators of hurricane conditions, rejection sampling, assessment of theoretical and empirical distributions, verification of data independence, establishing correlations. For rejection of the hurricane will prkticheski samples using a method based on a comparison of assay values with approximating the value that was obtained from the solution of the central-difference expressions in terms of a weighted sum of the values in the adjacent test points. The choice of adjacent points is 1 km radius circle centered at the tested point. Circle radius of 1 km, taken as twice the average distance between the holes defined by the classification of reserves.

The third section will review issues of geometrization of coal on the basis of various methods of mathematical and statistical analysis (method of trend analysis, cluster analysis and the method of scoring). To identify common patterns of changes in underlying topographic surface indicators of coal will be used by the method of trend analysis, in which the general laws of change of grade are identified by smoothing or approximation of the assay data. Next scheduled to perform a comparative analysis of mathematical surfaces described by polynomials of various degrees, with hidden topographic surface, constructed according to the sampling of coal seams. The criteria for selecting the degree of the polynomial approximating function is planned to use the correlation coefficient and the variance. For the formation of mathematical models and exclude edge effects must take into account the data beyond the boundaries of the evaluated area (for example, the technical limits of a mine field). By successive approximation: within the technical boundaries of a mine field, at distances of 200, 400 and 800 m in the construction of contour line is found that the lowest edge of distortion is achieved, taking into account the information bars on the data exploration wells outside the estimated area of width less than twice the average distance between the wells that provides a single, accurate to within shahtoplasta. To avoid the ambiguity of the definition of grade boundaries in the construction of the brand plan to use coal as an experiment, the apparatus of mathematical operations on the surfaces of topographical order, which was developed by Prof.. PK Sobolev. In the fourth section of the master plan calculation of reserves of coal.

The final step method of geometrization of coal is to build confidence limits in areas of the splitting of coal seams and count on them stock. To this end, the plan of a mine field applied boundary obtained by different methods (method of trend analysis, cluster analysis and the method of scoring) Based on the defined area, which accommodates all the curves. discrepancy between the results of research object are received by the zone, which is a kind of confidence interval band splitting seam. Delineation of figures estimating reserves is the basis for determining the amount of balance sheet and off-balance sheet reserves, the establishment of the spatial distribution of natural types, determine the degree of scrutiny of resources and values of geological parameters. In most geological reports unit reserve calculation is not a minimal unit of account: it allocated sub-blocks of vintage and between contour line. When contouring shall have the following requirements: stability average of the (power, ash, etc.); stability of the amplitudes of deviations from the mean threshold values, the presence of the transition values of the index over the limit values established by statistical criteria.

In calculating the reserves of coal seams are allocated plots with the following reserves and nepodscheta zone, between which the strip of off-balance sheet reserves for the ash. Distinguished boundary criteria section and off balance sheet inventory, which serve as usually ash contours calculated for the general (geological) capacity reservoir. Description is made of sections with the following reserves, which characterize the formation of a complex or simple structure. A description of the coal stacks, rock bands and bottom packages. Estimation of reserves is recommended to produce widely used method of geological units. Counting the number of coal reserves in the ground and extinguished the definition of reserves should be based on common methodological approaches, the main ones are: - apparent density of coal and rock is determined based on the analytical dependencies of the qualitative indicators; - basis of calculation is the definition of "clean coal"; - amount of coal in the light pollution in the calculation of reserves is defined as the amount of coal and rock stacks of layers or the ratio of the components. The criteria on which the individual layers of the reservoir belongs to the coal or rock and ash content using power.


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