DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Vitaly Fedotov
Date of birth 28.12.1989
Place of birth Noviy Svit village 
Schools 1996-2005 Noviy Svit,
2005-2007 Starobeshevo.
University 2007 - 2011 University Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Speciality: "Power Plants" (bachelor)
2011 - 2013 University Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Speciality: "Power Plants"  (master)
Average score 3.5
Languages English (basic level),ukrainian (good level), Russian (native)
Hobbies and interests Sports, cars, travel, books (fiction)
Personal qualities responsibility, commitment, initiative, communication skills
Computer skills 1. 1. Operating System: OS Windows;
2. Applications: MathCAD, AutoCAD, Compass, MS Office;
3. Programming Languages: C + +;
Future plans Most importantly - the future. How it will plan, so it will be. In personal terms my main task - to prepare and educate our future children so that they have accomplished much more than I achieved.
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