DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Kopylova Olga
Date of birth 25 July 1990
Place of birth Donetsk

1997  secondary school number 92 of Donetsk; 

2002-2007  Donetsk Gymnasium number 92; 

2007-2011 – bachelor degree of DonNTU; 

2011-2013  magistracy of DonNTU

Average score 4.66
Languages Freely I own the Russian and Ukrainian languages. At base level sufficient for reading and correspondence - by English
Personal achievements Participating in conferences, publications of scientific reasons in Donetsk and Kiev
Hobbies and interests Swimming, reading of historical detectives
Personal qualities Purposefulness, punctuality, exactness, communicability, ability to adapt oneself
Computer skills

I own a computer at the level of user. Operating systems: Windows NT. Applied directions: MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Surfer 10, SPSS 17.0, AutoCAD 2011, Adobe Photoshop CS5. Programming languages: HTML, CSS

Experience Productive practice in UKRNIINTIZ "Donbasstroiizyskaniya"; Donetsk Public Enterprise 29.06.2010-26.07.2010, 1.09.2011-26.09.2011. In position of technician-geologist of geological party.
Future plans Defence of master's degree work, education of daughter, looking for a job on speciality, there are a permanent improvement and addition to the knowledge and skills in area of ecology and guard of environment
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