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Автор: Dasha Kozhan (Dymchak)

Источник: Доповідь на ІІІ-й Міжнародній науково-практичній конференції молодих учених, аспірантів, студентів."Сучасна інформаційна україна: інформатика, економіка, філософія" - (Донецьк 13 травня 2009 року).

Author had chosen the phenomenon of religious fanaticism and problem of its distribution in the modern informative society all over the world as a theme of this work. A research object is religious fanaticism, as one of  the main forms of international terrorism. The article of research is a problem of distribution of ideology of religious fanaticism among modern youth. This work is actual because the phenomenon of religious fanaticism is one of the main reasons of distribution of world terrorism and extremist moods in international relations. International terrorism is a large threat for all world society. Young people, who take part in assassinations and prophet ideology of religious fanaticism is a part of our future society.

  «Fanaticism (from lat. fanatismus) is the furious, well-proven, extreme measure for some beliefs or persuasions, intolerance to any other looks, for example, religious» [5, 453]. First this term was entered by a catholic bishop Zh.Bossyue (1627 - 1704). For work determination of religious fanaticism is a necessary, that is why investigating the evolution of this term in history and considering many variants of determination of religious fanaticism in modern sources an author can make a conclusion, that religious fanaticism is the psychological and sociological phenomenon, extraordinary form of religious fundamentalism main positions of which is a exact understanding of texts of the Scripture (often word for word their understanding or exception from the context of separate fragments) and impossibility of perception of other religious systems, as a having some rights on existence. Religious fanaticism differs from a sincere faith violation of social norms and inadequacy in attitude towards all who belong to the chosen circle of people with identical looks. Religious fanaticism is historically the first form of fanaticism occupies the special place among other its varieties. It is potentially contained in psychology of religion, can be developed in certain historical terms and can be used by different religious and political organizations as a mean of achievement of socio-political aims [6, 57]. This phenomenon of religious fanaticism used mainly like this. Large international radical organizations from the all world create strong ideology system and bring over to itself young people who belive. Under act of the ideological system of separate organization consciousness of its participants changes gradually and they grow into religious fanatics who are ready to go on death for the sake of the faith. It’s interesting circumstance that the majority of leaders of such organizations are quite not religious persons who use religious slogans as means of agitation only.

A problem is made by that psychology of young people is the most impressionable in the plan of perception of information, which is given to MASS MEDIA with a concrete purpose. People in age of 15 – 25 are well added to extraneous influence, especially professionally geared-up. A religious sphere always appears for a man as something mysterious. Ideology of religious fanaticism allows the man to think that he got to know the truth, reflected in mystery. Such presentation of religious conception is understood by a subject as a receipt of specific religious experience, and revelation. For this reason, such beliefs have deep psychological basis, and in course of time become the main in life of man.

The phenomenon of religious fanaticism is used in achievement of socio-political aims by such international organizations as «Agudat Israel'», «Poaley Agudat Israel'», «Natorey karta», KHAMAS, FATKH, Khezbolla, brothers-moslems, Al'-Kaida, Islam Dzhikhad, Brigades of martyrs of Al'-Aksi but other [1, 153, 155], [7, 117], [2, 256].

Religious fanaticism is a large threat for modern youth, which is the basis for forming of the future society. Young people have a very impressionable psyche that is added to mass influence of MASS MEDIA now. It is necessary to look attentively and closely to this problem, because it is the basis to world terrorism – international problem № 1.



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