CV Biografy Abstract
Name Gimadeev Sergey
Birthday August 30, 1989
University 2007–2011 – Bachelor of Donetsk National Technical University, FKNT, ICS
2011–2012 – Master of Donetsk National Technical University, FKNT, ICS
Average Average during the period of study at the bachelor amounted to 4,82.
language Russian, Ukrainian, possess knowledge of English sufficient to read and understand technical literature.
Hobbies Bike over long distances over rough terrain, yet extremely fond of shooting at paper targets, I read someone else's code and try to write something, damage to the Wikipedia article.
Computer skills Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux Ubuntu / CentOC;
PHP 5, C# (, mvc 2), JavaScript;, C/C++, SQL;
MS SQL Server 2005/2008, MySql 5, HBase;
Zend Framework;
Experience from 12.2010 to 06.2011 – PHP developer, freelance;
from 06.2011 to 11.2011 – "Konty" served as a software engineer in the department of software;
from 06.2011 to 11.2011 – developer. Working in a team developing and maintaining the portal Go-UA;
from 11.2011 – PHP / Zend Framework developer. Freelance