



The dynamical system is any object or process in which there are definitely some changes in the state focused processes, which are considered as a change in the total value at any given time, which is accompanied by changes in the parameters, conditions for a certain period of time for which the law is given, describing the change in the initial state with over time, [3]. For complex dynamic systems include processing plants, lines, automated technical facilities, power plants, the thermodynamic parameters, the network of pipelines, etc.

1. Theme urgency

Computer simulation of complex dynamic systems (DS) is currently one of the most effective tools for prediction and analysis in various fields of human activity. Simulation allows to predict the consequences of changes in the system and to optimize its parameters according to various criteria. With the growing size and complexity of system models, and - with the advent of the very specific requirements for models and modeling process, increased requirements to the functionality of the simulation environments.

Formation of database management systems (DBMS) has coincided with significant advances in technology of distributed computing and parallel processing. As a result of any database management subsystem, consisting of parallel systems. It is these systems are becoming the dominant tool for creating data-intensive applications.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this master's thesis is the design of optimal subsystem databases in a distributed parallel simulation environment.

We must perform the following tasks to achieve this goal:

  1. Consideration of the characteristics of decomposition of DPSE.
  2. Determination of structural and functional features of the database subsystem.
  3. Analysis of existing database structures.
  4. Just develop the database subsystem of DPSE.
  5. Development of interfaces for integration with other subsystems in DPSE.
  6. Ensuring data security

As a result acceptable subsystem is proposed to develop databases on the developed criteria and user-friendly interface with other subsystems. It is expected that this subsystem minimizes the costs of information processing.

3. Expected scientific novelty

Scientific novelty of this paper is that the resulting development will be obtained the optimal structure of the database corresponding to the developed criteria.

4. A review of research and development

Local search (based on faculty, graduate students and undergraduates DonNTU). Consideration of issues related to the implementation of distributed parallel simulation environments and databases involved:

Feldman, LP, Svyatny VA , Anoprienko AJ, Moldovanova OV Solonin AM, Nadeev D.

Development in this direction is also masters of DonNTU engaged: Shiloh A., A. Navoi, Merenkov AV, AV Voitov, Voitenko AV, Stepanov, IS, II Skvortsov . V., Nazarenko, KS, KM Winter, EE Ronsal

When searching for developments on this topic at the national level was found following authors:

Tomaszewski, VN, Zhdanov, EG, AA Zholdak that in his works considered the practical problems of computer modeling (including SDS).

Globally found the following authors with publications on the theme of the work:

Feldman, LP, Svyatny V., M. Resch (German: M. Resch), M. Zeitz (German M.Zeitz), CJ Date is, Rajive Bagrodia, Richard Meyer, Mineo Takai, Yu-an Chen, Xiang Zeng, Jay Martin and others.

5. Development of a subsystem in the DPSE database

5.1 Description distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE)

The concept of distributed parallel simulation environment (DPSE) for complex dynamic systems with lumped and distributed parameters is proposed in 1992 within the framework of scientific cooperation department of the CST (VTI), Donetsk National Technical University and the Institute of Parallel and Distributed Systems (IPVS) University of Stuttgart (Germany). This concept has been presented more detailed in the report on ASIM-symposium in 1994 [2] and was developed in [1, 3] and others. According to these studies DPSE has been named a co-operation of the organization of a system of parallel hardware resources, system and simulation software, which supports all phases of design, implementation and application of parallel models of SDS according to requirements.

5.2 Decomposition DPSE

DPSE is divided into 10 main subsystems:

  1. Subsystem of generation of equations - communicates with the subsystem of topological analysis to obtain the coded object topology, the transformation of the results of its work in vector-matrix form.
  2. Dialogue subsystem - used to display the presentation features and capabilities of DPSE. It carries out a dialogue, and user training.
  3. Topological analysis subsystem - does verbal and graphic description of the encoding for the primary topology. Further data processing and is an approximation derived secondary topologies.
  4. The subsystem of virtual parallel simulation models - provides tools to interactively display the hierarchy of the virtual parallel simulation models, depending on the options for parallelization.
  5. Subsystem of a parallel solution of the equations - it is in this system produces a solution of systems of equations using parallel libraries, the definition of convergence, stability, accuracy, optimization of variable parameters, as well as the results of the conversion solution for visualization.
  6. The load balancing system - the definition and management of workloads between virtual processes and processors.
  7. Communication subsystem - includes a list of components and resources DPSE. Performs data exchange at the request of the components, the mapping of data flows initiated by the user. Ability to optimize a parallel program with exchange operations.
  8. Visualization subsystem - you prepare for the simulation results visualization, interactive display charts during and after the simulation.
  9. Database subsystem - works with all subsystems and stores all the information about the environment.
  10. IT-support subsystem - remotes WEB-based application for modeling.

5.3 The database subsystem within the DPSE

In this paper we consider the subsystem databases. This facility is one of the most important in the DPSE. It should contain all the information that is associated with the DPSE.

  • hardware architecture;
  • user information;
  • software information;
  • simulation data ;
  • information about testing and experiments are planned in environment;
  • possibility of archiving and data compression on the results.

Development of subsystems databases are not new, since there is already operating projects for the problem-oriented modeling environment [13]. In this paper, this subsystem is regarded as a service. It has been implemented and tested, but a comprehensive study and description had not been conducted. But this experience can be useful for further study of this issue.

Декомпозиция РПМС

Decomposition DPSE. The animation consists of 11 frames with a delay of 80 ms between frames, the number of cycles is 5.


The proposed concept of a distributed parallel simulation environment as a form of systemic organization and modeling tools DSZP DSRP opens positive prospects for effective use of modern parallel computing resources and integrated solution to the problem [4].

Important role in the functioning of the DPSE is an integrated subsystem of the database as it handles all the data systems that need to be processed or analyzed. Thus, research and development of this subsystem - this is another step RPMS constant development and modeling systems in general.

Work is still under development, the study will continue with their results will be available in December 2012.

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