DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Elena Revko
Date of birth Oktober 19 1988
Place of birth Donetsk region, Donskoe vilage
Schools Donskaya comprehensive school
University 2007 to 2011: DonNTU, Faculty of Physical Metallurgy, Department: Industrial power; Specialty: Energy Management; 2011 to 2012: Master's programme DonNTU the same spatsialnosti; 2011, 2013: Donetsk National University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Speciality: Translator;
Average score 4,93
Languages Ukrainian, Russian-mother-tongue, English-B2,German-A2;
Personal achievements participating in many conferences
Hobbies and interests books, music, dance
Personal qualities Diligence, conation to self-improvement, motivation
Computer skills 1. Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Windows 7;
Microsoft Office 2003/2007;
Borland Delfee;
Notepad ++
Experience Work experience at the Zaporozhye TPP
Educator in the camp "Rainbow"
The work of a translator in the department of foreign economic relations at the Zaporozhye plant of semiconductors
Future plans successfully complete the Masters in DonNTU and get a second degree at the Donetsk National University, specialty "Translator"
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