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1. Theme urgency

In the modern context of the global socio-economic development, particularly important area of information provision has been the management of which is to collect and process the information needed to make informed management decisions. Before the governing body faces the problem of obtaining the information, its processing, and the generation and transmission of new information in the form of the derivative control actions. These impacts are carried out in the operational and strategic aspects and based on previous findings, truthfulness and completeness of which largely depends on the successful solution of many problems of governance. Understanding this has intensified efforts to develop mechanisms to improve information support management decisions innovative nature of both research and practice at the level of the enterprise. Despite extensive scientific research in this field of research, some important theoretical and methodological foundations of the information and applications to facilitate management decisions is in the context of innovative development companies have not yet received adequate study. First of all, need to be clarified issues concerning the structuring of the conceptual apparatus. Require further improvement indicators and methods for assessing the quality, quantity, and other characteristics of the information necessary for decision-making. Underdeveloped remain issues related to the modeling of the information environment and information flow businesses. The absence of theoretical and practical research results to improve information management decision making innovative nature does not allow the provision of practical guidance to economic entities. The need to address these problematic issues, their relevance, the theoretical and practical importance are the choice of theme, object, object, objective, scientific problems, and logical-structural construction research.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this study is to summarize and deepen the theoretical propositions to improve information management decision making and the development of the innovative nature of scientific and practical tools for creating an effective information system management solutions for innovative enterprises.

In line with the objective to work and solved the following scientific and applied problems:

  1. In-depth scientific and methodological basis for development of the information security management solutions, the necessity of formation of the theory of information security management solutions innovative enterprises;
  2. Determine the nature of the information and its performance in the context of decision-making;
  3. With the problem of the formation of information flows in the company and its relationship with the centers of responsibility;
  4. Providing analytical assessment methods for creating information management systems management solutions;
  5. The developed methodology for assessing the level of innovative development in the analytical assessment of the level of innovative development study enterprises;
  6. Analyze the opportunities and prospects for use of automated data processing systems;Justified the basic elements and blocks of information management systems of decision-making.
  7. Justified the basic elements and blocks of information management systems of decision-making.

3.The main statements of the master’s paper

In the introduction, the urgency of a theme, articulated goals, objectives, define the object, subject and methods of research, highlights scientific novelty and practical significance of the results are given information about their testing. In section 1, "Theoretical bases of the Information security management solutions," examined the conceptual provisions of information theory, held essential characteristic of information as such, are summarized and systematized problems of formation of information flows in the company and its relationship with the centers of responsibility. In Section 2, "Methodological approaches to the creation of information system for management decision-making" is defined characteristics, trends, prospects and characteristics of information management systems of decision-making, analysis of elements of information management, capacity assessment on the implementation of such systems is an innovative enterprise. In Section 3, "Guidelines for improving information security management decisions." The components of methodological tools provide management information managers innovative enterprise, which consists of methodology for assessing the quantity and quality of information, the model selection and construction of the necessary information management system managing information security managers innovation enterprise.


In research presented theoretical generalization and proposed a new solution of a scientific problem in the development and justification of theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of information management solutions provide innovative.

The main conclusions and results obtained in the course of the study are:

  1. Issues of theoretical, methodological and applied research on the processes of information management solutions provide innovative, are not sufficiently advanced and examined in the economic literature, in particular the lack of structuring and systematic approach to the diagnosis of the level and quality of information for decision-making, lack of attention on improving models of information provision.
  2. Given the answers to the questions of theoretical, methodological and applied research on the processes of information management solutions provide innovative nature, it can be concluded that it is possible to develop and implement a methodical approach to the creation of System Works information management decision making innovative.
  3. Based on the methodological approaches to create information management systems management solutions, to develop recommendations to improve the systems facilitate information support management decision-making that is the nature of innovation increase their validity and quality. So that the head of the company to take more decisive and managerial decisions.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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