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General characteristics of research

The actuality. of research Active development of the theory of risk management in the Ukraine was in a transitional economy with regard to the need for stability and sustained growth of industrial enterprises on the background of the open market and increasing competition. Meanwhile, the modern, increasingly volatile and unpredictable economic situation necessitates the development of new technologies of risk management-oriented company operating in volatile global markets.

Management decisions aimed at preventing crisis situations, should be adopted and implemented in the pre-crisis stage, when the motion of the crisis is not yet inevitable. It is therefore urgent formation of a new risk management approach that takes into account the uncertainty of behavior factors external and internal environment of an industrial enterprise, which allows early detection and thus neutralize the problematic situation with the help of modern instruments. Of particular relevance of this issue gets in the coal industry. Since the coal industry of Ukraine is traditionally a loss-making and requires significant subsidies from the state budget. A large proportion of funding spent on compensation for the cost of coal, because coal price covers only 75% of production costs. Coal production also brings with it a local environmental problems such as pollution of rivers and the air from the work of mines and mine tailings [5]. The urgency of the problem is caused by:

- The need to develop and implement new technology risk management, oriented in a changing market environment;

- The need to develop methodological and practical recommendations for the development of risk management systems in the enterprise;

- Imperfection of the methodology for assessing the extent to which risk management in the coal sector.

Contradictory process of transformation of economic relations in Ukraine requires a deeper theoretical and practical improvements to manage economic risks. In recent decades, scientific and applied problems of risk management has attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign scientists: V. Vitlinskogo, V. Granaturov, A. Yastremsky, AD Shtefanicha, AL Ustenko, L. Glushchenko, LA Grisha, AT Algin, GB Kleiner, IT Balabanova, E. Utkin, V. Cherkasova, VA Glushchenko, V. Krainov, O. Popova, L. Shilova, MV Khokhlova, K. Hlardena, R. Heath. Their works are devoted to the study of the essence of entrepreneurial risk factors and causes of its appearance, the justification of methods of assessment and management of risk.

However, many theoretical and methodological issues of economic decision-making in the coal industry, taking into account the risky nature of the operation in today's economy, aimed at the prevention or elimination of production and economic risks. At the same time not take into account economic conditions and consequences of occurrence of risk situations. There is therefore a need for more research essential characteristics and methodological approaches to the management of economic risk, which led to the relevance of the study. This work supports an attempt to examine the totality of the risks of economic activity and to develop a universal recommendations for management.

The aim of research is the development of theoretical positions, methodological approaches and to develop practical recommendations for improving risk management of business enterprises with the desire to improve the performance of the company.

The object of the study. Risk management of business enterprises.

Subject of research. Theoretical and applied aspects of risk management to improve business enterprise.

To achieve the objective in formulated and solved the following problems:

• analyze the nature and types of risks in the business enterprise;

• clarified the factors and sources of risk in the enterprise;

• identify the components of risk management mechanism;

• a systematic tool of risk management;

• defined organizational and economic measures to reduce and prevent risks to the enterprise;

• analyzed the activity of the enterprise "Mine" Enakievskaya ";

• recommendations on risk management across the enterprise.

The scientific significance of the results: the further development of theoretical positions, methodological approaches and to develop practical recommendations for improving risk management in the enterprise.

The contents of the master's research

Section 1. Risk as an economic category. The risk inherent in any sphere of human activity that is associated with many conditions and factors that influence the positive outcome of decisions taken by the people. Historical experience shows that the risk of not getting the intended results became particularly manifest in the totality of commodity-money relations, competition, participants in the economic turnover.

Experience in the development of all countries shows that ignoring or underestimating the economic risk of the development of tactics and strategy of economic policy making concrete decisions will inevitably constrains the development of society, scientific and technological progress, doomed to stagnation, the economic system. The emergence of interest in the manifestation of risk in the economic activity associated with economic reform. The economic environment has become increasingly market, brings in more business elements of uncertainty, extends the zone of risky situations. In these circumstances arise confusion and uncertainty in obtaining the expected outcome, and hence increases the degree of business risk. The growing economic crisis is one of the reasons for increase business risk, which leads to an increase in the number of unprofitable enterprises.

So the risk is an inherent feature of entrepreneurial activity, with a change in the forms and mechanisms of economic enterprises in the country's transition to risky relationships should allocate its features. In this regard, the main and indispensable criterion of the normal capacity of the modern enterprise is the ability of senior management, based on a strictly scientific basis to predict efficiently monitor and manage risk effectively [4, P. 47].

Section 2. Risk management at the domestic enterprises are not always effective, competent and appropriate. This is primarily due to the fact that for a long time there was no knowledge base, scientific basis, related studies, the system and experience in risk management across the enterprise. The risk management process can be represented as a sequence of actions. The most difficult step in the process of risk management is risk identification step, as it is on the results of this phase is based all further work on risk management. The second step is to assess and measure risks.

The next stage is the choice of methods and identify ways to reduce risks. The process of risk management application of selected methods, evaluation and adjustment of the risk management system.

Section 3. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of risk management at the enterprise "Mine" Enakievskaya." This section applies to the calculation of the basic technical and economic indices of the enterprise on which made recommendations to improve risk management company. In addition, the proposed mechanism for ways to improve risk management and identified the main risk factors in the company.


The main conclusions and results obtained in the course of this work are as follows.

1. On the basis of generalization of the theory risk management clarified the relationship between the concepts of "uncertainty" and "risk."

2. According to the survey nature of the risk proposed for the objective and subjective causes of risk.

3. Based on a study of existing methods of assessing and limiting risk, identify their strengths and weaknesses allowed us to estimate the stability of the company to risk.

4. Using the developed recommendations to limit the risk allowed us to estimate the stability of the company to risks and suggest ways to limit the procedure for selection of risk-based classification of businesses to certain areas of risk for the stability criterion.

In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date.


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