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Actuality of the research theme. In the conditions of modern market economy the main factor of the competitiveness’ increasing of the Ukrainian economy is innovative activity. The implementation to production of the scientific and technological achievements will provide all branches of the economy with rapid and dynamic development. Metallurgy is one of the leading sectors of industry of Ukraine and its share in Ukraine's GDP in 2005-2009 was more than 25 %. The industry provides about 40 % of country’s currency receipts. Almost 9 % of world trade in metals accounted for Ukraine. As the domestic metallurgical enterprises operating in the general system of world economic relations, the direction of their development is determined by the development trends of the global metallurgical industry.

For strengthening the positions of the Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises is necessary to provide the technological level which would correspond to the achievements of the world metal market leaders. The necessary condition of the enterprises successful activity is the active innovative policy directed on stimulation of the progressive structural changes. However the lack of financial resources essentially limits possibilities of the domestic metallurgical enterprises development. For the rational use of expensive innovative resources is necessary to optimize the innovative strategy, to increase its scientific validity and to continuously improve in changing socioeconomic conditions.

The research of different aspects of innovative activity finds wide reflection in works of the domestic and foreign economists. The significant contribution to the development of the theory of innovations’ management was made by scientists A.N. Anisimov, S.S. Aptekar, I.T. Balabanov, I. Shumpeter, S. Filin, R. Fatkhutdinov, V.N. Hobta, O.U. Popova, A.V. Meshkov, S.I. Kravchenko, B. Tviss, P. White, L. Vodachka.

The innovative activity of the metallurgical enterprises is still insufficiently studied. So, the formation and improvement processes of increasing efficiency strategy of innovative projects are insufficiently analyzed. There is incomplete the theoretical justification of the directions of the innovative strategy of the metallurgical enterprises development, compliance of their activity to the interests of the society. The questions of theoretical justification of the directions of innovative strategy of the metallurgical enterprises development, of the compliance of their activity to interests of society are still remaining incomplete. Nowadays, there are subjects which weren't considered by authors which we will investigate.

For achievement of the goal of work the number of scientific tasks was formulated and solved:

  • the essence of investment processes is investigated;
  • the features and the essence of innovative processes are defined;
  • specifics of metallurgical industry is analyzed;
  • innovations in Ukraine are investigated;
  • innovations in metallurgical branch are analyzed;
  • the investment climate is investigated;
  • the recommendations on the increasing efficiency of innovations in Ukraine are formulated;
  • the recommendations on the increasing efficiency of innovations in metallurgical branch are worked out;
  • the approbation at the enterprise is carried out.
  • The object of the research is the process of innovative projects efficiency increasing.

    The subject of research is the organizational and economic bases of the process of innovative projects efficiency increasing.

    The methods of research. The research was conducted on the basis of the classical economic theory and the theory of innovative processes management. Such methods like classical tools of the analysis of statistical information, financial reporting of the enterprises, synthesis of generalizing conclusions, economic-mathematical methods, the models characterizing studied processes were used.

    The informational basis of work is official reports and analytical publications of the leading international economic organizations, the Ukrainian and foreign statistical collections, the laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine.

    Basic maintenance of work

    In the introduction the relevance of the proposed topic, its object and subject of the research, namely the principles and stages of the process of innovative projects efficiency increasing are considered.

    In the first chapter The theoretical bases of innovative activity the conceptual and categorial device is analyzed and specified, the classification of attributes of investments and innovations is defined. The research of the conceptual and categorial device of the theory of innovations and features of their use in metallurgical sector allowed to prove the necessity of a definitions specification (an innovation, innovative activity, innovative process, strategy of innovative development of the enterprise) for the theoretical bases improvement of the organization of innovative development process in such sphere. Different approaches to treatment of the concepts investment and innovation are considered.

    In the second chapter The analysis of innovative processes at the metallurgical branch enterprises the condition and the prospects of the innovative activity in Ukraine and at the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine are investigated, the conditions of product innovations introduction at the metallurgical enterprises are found out and the instrument of justification is offered.

    In the third chapter The recommendations on the increasing efficiency of innovative projects at the metallurgical branch enterprises the practical recommendations on the increasing efficiency of innovative projects at the metallurgical branch enterprises are offered, namely:

  • the recommendations on the increasing efficiency of innovations in Ukraine;
  • the recommendations on the increasing efficiency of innovations in metallurgical branch;
  • the approbation of recommendations at the enterprise.
  • At the moment of writing of the Abstract the Master's work is not complete yet. The final end falls on December, 2012. Full text of the work and materials on a subject can be received at the author or his head after the specified date.

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