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Training is particularly important for many Ukrainian enterprises nowadays. Because the work makes high demands on the skill level of personnel, knowledge and skills of employees in a competitive environment as external and internal conditions of operation of the business quickly. So the idea of creating a system of continuous education of employees receiving widespread in Ukrainian companies.It is necessary to use incentives to staff development to training system worked and brought the expected results.

Effective motivation of professional development impact on enterprise performance positively. It detects and uses professional potential workers, increases the qualitative composition of the staff of the enterprise, creates a system of self-education, reducing overall costs to find skilled labor.

1. Theme urgency

Relevance of the study. In modern scientific literature the question of motivation and staff development are widely discussed, but the problem of motivation of staff can not be solved until the end. Motivation of personnel of the enterprise are important scientific and practical problem that requires solving.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of science is to develop a system of motivation of professional development based on an analysis of domestic and international HR practices in modern conditions, and improved methods of motivation for professional development of staff.

Main tasks of the research:

  • define the essence of motivation of professional staff development;
  • identify the principles motivating professional staff development;
  • consider the approaches and methods of motivation for professional development;
  • analyze and evaluate methods of motivation in terms of industrial enterprises by assessing its activity;
  • offer advice on improving motivation for professional development.

Research object: mechanism motivating professional development company.

Research subject: approaches, methods and principles of motivation of professional staff development, the system of motivation of staff.

3. The process of motivating professional development: nature, goals, principles

The economic essence of motivation of staff is composed of two distinct, but interrelated processes: staff motivation and development of knowledge and skills of employees and improve staff development. Therefore, in order to formulate a clear definition of such a complex process as the motivation of staff are appropriate to the analysis of each of the components of this process.

The analysis and systematization of the definitions of the concepts of "staff development" and "motivation of staff" in the interpretation of the various authors [3, 15, 10-13, 15-17] can give the following definition of motivation of professional staff development: Motivations professional development – a process of internal and external stimuli, through which employees leads to the formation of special knowledge, development of necessary skills, allowing to improve productivity, maximize quality perform functional responsibilities to develop new professional activities.

To study the principles of determination of such a complex process as motivated professional staff development was the analysis of the principles of each of the components of this process: motivation [23, 24] and staff development [19-22]. The generalization of these principles has allowed to define the principles motivating professional development:

  1. The principle of fairness and objectivity implies that the reward for achieving the goal should correspond to the efforts and based on current legislation.
  2. The principle of promotion by timely outcome by meeting the needs of workers implies that a planned results from prof. training should be for a short time after passing that it was linked to learning outcomes worker, not associated it with other causes.
  3. The principle of responsibility provides that every employee should be independent, able to determine the direction of professional development, as well as to the quality and efficiency of labor.
  4. The principle of type of motivation development, age and status differences imply that there must be criteria by which regulated the size and shape remuneration for individuals and for groups and divisions.
  5. The principle of consistency – the motivation is only as effective if it is not occasionally but constantly.
  6. Contact us – how to improve communication of results of work of a worker after vocational training to the general progress of the enterprise.

Motivation of professional development of employees is always internally due, but may depend on external factors and take zovnishnoorhanizovannyy character. When people talk about external motives and motivation, you have in mind or circumstances (actual conditions affecting performance), or some external factors that influence the decision-making and power motive (compensation, etc.), including mean and the attribution by the person to these factors plays a crucial role in making decisions and achieving results. External factors have in the process transformed into internal motivation. External motivation is constantly changing, it is growing in success and failure is reduced when also depends on the primary motivation, "Motivation FROM" (avoiding failure) or "motivation TO" (success) [25, p.68-69]. Thus the key reasons for professional development in the enterprise can be presented in table 1.

Table 1 – Classification of motives of professional development of staff by type of motivation

Motivation Avoiding failure Success
The outer
  • desire by companies to reimburse training costs;
  • opportunity to travel during the study.
  • wish to receive high wages;
  • wish to receive material compensation;
  • desire for possessions;
  • improve the status, prestige.
The inner
  • of opportunities for professional development;
  • desire for stable employment;
  • opportunity for career advancement.
  • more interesting work;
  • expansion of the richness of content;
  • improve working conditions;
  • expansion of social contacts;
  • a competitive advantage because of the need for new knowledge;
  • more high (management) positions;
  • self-demand.

The nature of employee behavior, a set of external and internal factors of motivation for staff development in the production of its effectiveness depends strongly on professional development, performance of, so you need to pay attention to the management of labor mentality. Remember that a person comes into the organization formed in the process of life social characteristics – value orientations work, everyone has a set of socio-psychological characteristics such as tenacity, independence, organization, etc. These characteristics are the objective prerequisites for the formation and development of labor mentality in the company [26].

The Department of motivational behavior of employees is necessary to consider internal factors that affect the motivation of professional development:

  • age / sex;
  • marital status;
  • outlook;
  • profession;
  • seniority;
  • level of culture;
  • health;
  • value of real incomes enable them to increase.

You should also remember that the motivational factor changes over time, so if the young specialist training will be a significant incentive for a competitive advantage because of the need for new knowledge, for the older generation - raising the status, prestige, the desire to hold executive positions. For a young person who is not bound by family ties would be desirable to study abroad, but for family oriented employee who has his own family, such training is not an incentive. You should also consider sex workers as social and psychological nature is more complex in women than in men. In managing the behavior of women, whose average age is 20-34 years, should pay attention to the need to create the conditions for creativity, recognition of their professionalism, financial incentives, career planning. Women aged 35-44 years and 45-54 years, mostly family-oriented and have a need for part-days to resolve family cases also in the management of their behavior should pay attention to the material motives of their work and develop special social package [28].

The following causes of low motivation for learning in personnel can identify :

  1. Uncertainty employee that:
    • its activity will target operational result (sales growth, the timely development of new products, successful implementation of the initial project, etc.);
    • achieved his successes go unnoticed, will be rewarded management (promotion, salary increases, recognition of others, etc.).
  2. Low rating attractiveness of expected promotion.
  3. Failed schedule and dates of training.
  4. Not take into account wishes of students, referral to training take place in writ procedure.

Accordingly, understanding that the problems of substantial, allows managers to identify the main activities to increase motivation of its employees.

Effective methods of motivating staff development at Ukrainian enterprises should include:

  1. Quality internal PR training programs (placement files, participants commented on the effectiveness of the material covered and announcements of future training site / newspaper company) [1].
  2. Correct selection of training programs, taking into account views of teaching (activity, emotional involvement in the process of growing – and growing role in the development of abilities).
  3. Create a "competition effect" / "deficiency in training" (to take part in the corporate development can only the finest, action officers) [1].
  4. Create an environment for application of knowledge, dimension and visual results.
  5. Providing career opportunities.
  6. Increase the market value of teaching staff (by obtaining certificates / certificates of training).
  7. Rate for staff who wish to study (in the selection of candidates for the vacant space has become a key desire to cultivate them).


The system of incentives should be based on objective analysis of the situation within the organization and the labor market. You must use methods that enhance motivation and loyalty of staff.

Master's thesis is devoted to developing an effective system of professional motivation of staff. As part of the research carried out:

  1. Motivational process model of professional development of personnel at the plant is designed.
  2. Determining the motivation of professional staff development has been formulated on the basis of definitions of terms "staff development" and "motivation of staff."
  3. Principles of motivation of professional staff development were built on the basis of the concepts of "staff development" and "motivation of staff."
  4. Possible causes of low motivation of professional development were identified. solutions have been proposed.

Further investigation will focus on the following aspects:

  1. Methods of motivation for professional development will be assessed. Assessment of efficacy will be conducted based on analysis of the company.
  2. Foreign models motivate a professional staff development be used in practice.
  3. Recommendations for improving the motivation of professional staff development will be developed.

Note. This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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