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Purpose of this master's work: Rationale for ways to improve the stability of the conveyor (haulage) drifts in the development of shallow reservoirs in the modern depths.

Idea of this master's work is to use a set of natural laws of geomechanical processes that manifest themselves when unloading ugleporodnogo array of real and caused by his memory.

Object of study: processes occurring in the carbon array.

Subject research: processes in ugleporodnom array in the conduct of mining operations which are possible manifestations of natural hazards.

Research methods: achieve this goal they use the following complex: analysis and generalization of experience in the development of shallow layers of the Donbass, the statistical processing of experimental data, taking into account the physical nature of the processes occurring in ugleporodnom array.

The scientific of value is the justification for ways to improve the stability of the conveyor (haulage) drifts depend on the manifestation of a complex of natural hazards in the discharge, including the reality of the destruction of the sedimentary, long time intensive array containing organic matter, gas-saturated aqueous solution having the memory.

1. Relevance of the topic

Experience of the Donbas mines shows that with increasing depth development of mining and geological conditions are complicated, and this leads to the fact that mining, especially the plan, 65% of cases are in poor condition. This situation is the result of the use of means and methods of excavation, which is not sufficiently counteract the possible displacement of rock in the existing mining and geological conditions. On the basis of instrumental observations carried out at the Donbass mines found that the change in cross-sectional area drifts depends on several factors. These include reservoir thickness m, m, dip angle α, hail, the amount of displacement of roof rocks U, m, breadth B, m and a height of production h, m and the method of [1].

2. Quantitative evaluation of changes in cross-sectional area drifts

Due to fact that there is a relationship between these variables, it is necessary to determine the quantitative assessment of changes in cross-sectional area drifts. This approach is appropriate for determining a rational variant of the workings of specific mining-geological conditions. The proposed method for predicting the value of rapprochement rock circuit developments and changes in cross-sectional area drifts allow a more informed decision to protect technological developments.

Haulage drift

Figure 1 – Haulage drift

In processing the experimental data revealed that the value of the coefficient k will change only when the distance from the working face, ie at equal distances from the lava, this coefficient can be considered relatively constant for the specific ways of drifts, and for the development of different depths.

To predict changes in cross-sectional area of the proposed excavation, taking into account depending developed a flow chart source data for which are the mining and geological and mining engineering specifications. The algorithm allows predraschet cross divisional development workings, without special studies in the mining conditions [810].


Schemes of the joint development of reservoirs in many cases had the following disadvantages: group haulage drifts are often located in areas of the harmful effects of treatment works, concrete slabs were left entirely to the location of ventilation drifts in their area of ??influence, and many air drifts podderyashvalis for the duration of mining ground floor and worked part sewage treatment works downstream layers; haulage drifts were not used again as a ventilation [12].

To eliminate these shortcomings in the master's work assumes a generalization of the results of all studies (full-scale and model) and on the basis of a first approximation, the definition of the parameters of the harmful effects of zones of clearing works on the drifts are located at the top of the soil and developed reservoir suitable distance between the fronts of clearing works on contiguous layers, as well as a method for selection of schemes jointly develop recovery.


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