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1. Actuality of work

At present, Ukraine's fuel and energy have great difficulty, because of its resource base. Policy reorientation of the domestic industry to use oil as a primary energy source, carried out the last few decades, has proved ineffective, and in some cases, even loss. This fact is due to the unreasonably inflated the role of the latter, which led to its significant increase in the cost, and lack of large deposits in the country. Thus, on the agenda is the return of his key role of coal in the energy system of Ukraine. This process is complicated because of the numerous problems inherent in the coal industry.

Well-known fact is that the problem of fires in underground mines – one of the most important. Over time the industry spent a significant amount of money and resources have been many studies devoted to the study of mechanisms of fires, their distribution and elimination.

A special place is occupied among the underground fires fires that occur in mines, equipped with a conveyor belt. According Research Institute Respirato and the Institute. Academician A. Skochinskiy on inclined conveyor mining production accounts for 33.9 %, and the horizontal – 17.7 % of all underground fires in coal mines. In addition, due to the intensification of production and the associated increase in load on a mechanized working face, the statistics tend to increase.

2. The goal and tasks of master's work

The purpose of this master's work is to conduct a detailed analysis of fire protection mining, fire suppression systems, and offer the most effective set of measures for improvement in the conditions of the mine Almaznaya Ltd. DTEK

But the main task of master's work is to prevent the spread of fires that occurred on conveyor belts and power transmission stations, their localization and rapid quenching, through the use of automatic fire extinguishing water (AFE).

3. Expected scientific novelty

Given the current state of fire protection mines equipped with conveyor belts, mine Almaznaya Ltd. DTEK to achieve non-proliferation occurring fires, through the sharing of automatic fire extinguishing water as UVPK-B1 – at the drive station and ULTV – on line parts of the belt conveyor.

4. A summary of the master's work

The analysis of mines, equipped with a conveyor belt, it was found:

Thus, to improve the fire safety of conveyor openings is recommended to perform the following work:

Plants ULTV in the following quantities: the inclined shaft – 1 pcs., horizontal portion of the inclined shaft – 1 pcs., the slope from hor. 107 m to hor. 310 m of the coal seam – 3 pcs., CPS hor. 310 m of the coal seam – 3 pcs., Pipeline walker of the coal seam hor. 550 m – 1  pcs., Southern mainline conveyor drift hor. 550 m – 2 pcs., SPS hor. 550 m of the coal seam – 6 pcs. Total – 17 pcs.

Table 1 – How to use the system during a fire stand in the workings of the mine "Almaznaya" OOO DTEK

Point on the chart Water supply source The way of the water supply and the number of points Open the valves Close the valves Planned fire fighting The required water flow rate, m3/h Actual water flow rate, m3/h Notes
Calculated points mines 1-8, 11-15, 19-30 From reservoir to the surface pipeline a trunk № 17«bis» 0-...
Water supply to the trunk № 17«bis» Fire trunks
Water curtain
(Installation UVPK-B1)
50,80 and 100
Main variant
Calculated points mines 3-4, 18, 20, 26, 31-35 From reservoir to the surface pipeline conveyor truck and inclined shafts 0-...
Water supply on a conveyor and inclined cargo trunks Fire trunks
Water curtain
(Installation UVPK-B1)
80 and 100
Main variant
Calculated points mines Dewatering pumps from the horizon 107 m Н2-...
Fire trunks
Water curtain
(Installation UVPK-B1)
50,80 and 100
Calculated points mines Dewatering pumps from the horizon 550 m Н3-...
Fire trunks
Water curtain
(Installation UVPK-B1)
80 and 100
Calculated points mines Dewatering pumps from the horizons 285 m and 310 m H1-P6-
Fire trunks
Water curtain
(Installation UVPK-B1)
50,80 and 100


Installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1 is designed for extinguishing fires, water spray on the drive stations (sections) of various types of conveyor belts used in coal mines, including the hazardous gas and dust, as well as belt conveyors and mining enterprises is an automatic means of water fire deluge type, be connected to the mine fire and irrigation pipes.

Figure 1a – Installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1 Figure 1b – Installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1

Figure 1a, 1b – Installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1

The unit has several versions, depending on the type of drive stations (sections), and consists of a valve (1), a distribution pipe (2) spray (3) and hydro-mechanical system to start motivating the pipeline, thermal sensors (4) crane manual start (5) and pressure (6) of water.

Installation will automatically be included in the work when the temperature in the area of the drive drum above 72 °C. When triggered, the installation or lowering the water pressure in the pipe below the 0.6 MPa pressure switch turns off the drive belt.

Distributive pipeline installation can be converted to fire protection of any object. Installation of different reliable and easy to use system start-up, high-extinguishing capability through the use of new sprays of water, creating a torch polnokonusny water spray to the misty conditions with an average diameter of 0.3 mm drops. With such a spray of water of maximum flow in the localization and suppression of 44 m3/h

The unit has two modes of operation:

You can manually start the installation of fire extinguishing by turning an eccentric lever manual pull station (5). Installation Installation UVPK-B1, training it to work, working arrangements and operation, the rules of maintenance, planned maintenance and elimination of possible malfunctions and failures produced in accordance with manufacturer instruction manual UVPK-B1.

Figure 2 – Mounting kit Installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1

Figure 2 – Mounting kit Installation of fire extinguishing UVPK-B1

It includes: 1 – valve, 2 – filter, 3 – pressure switches, 4 – pipeline incentive, 5 – tee, 6 – heat sensor, 7 – pipeline distribution, 8 – water spray, 9 – crane.

During long-term operation of fire extinguishing installations UVPK-B1 in the coal mines of Ukraine, they have proven to be reliable, simple to maintain and repair that do not require additional operating costs.


Installation of containment and extinguishing fires with water ULTV designed to contain and extinguish fires in the underground workings of coal mines and mining enterprises, including those equipped with a conveyor belt and is a means of automatic fire extinguishing deluge type. Climatic performance of the ULTV class 5 according to GOST 15150-69, but to work at a temperature of 1 °C to 35 °C and relative humidity of 98 % at 25 °C.

Setting up education serves as the ignition of combustible materials at the site of placement of a water curtain for the entire cross section of excavation, the cooling of high-temperature combustion gases to a temperature below the ignition temperature of materials fire load and prevents the further spread of the fire to develop.

Figure 3 – Installation of containment and extinguishing fires with water ULTV

Figure 3 – Installation of containment and extinguishing fires with water ULTV

In plants used centrifugal jet sprays of water PB-10, providing a torch in the form of a uniformly filled cone melkoraspylennoy water droplets with an average diameter of 0.3 mm. With such a spray of water of maximum flow in the localization and suppression of 44 m3/h.

Installing ULTV may additionally be equipped with a control-triggering device PPC-1. The results of experimental studies ULTV held in underground mine rescue landfill Research Institute of the case "Respirator" in conditions close to the mine showed that the installation provides a reduction in temperature from 1000 °C to 209 °C, and thus excludes the possibility of ignition of materials beyond the veil.

Figure 4 – Mounting kit Installation of containment and extinguishing fires with water ULTV

Figure 4 – Mounting kit Installation of containment and extinguishing fires with water ULTV

It includes: 1 – automatic valve, 2 – the incentive line, 3 – Heat Sensor, 4 – Distribution piping, 5 – spray taps with RV-10.

5. Conclusion

Significantly improve the fire safety of mining conveyor openings can be by sharing the following AFE: UVPK-B1 – for fire protection stations and drive ULTV – to protect the linear part of the conveyor belt.

Set-B1 UVPK successfully cools the gas-air flow generated by fire on the conveyor belt, to safe temperatures, and extinguishes the fire. Installing ULTV not only successfully cools the gas-air flow generated by fire on the conveyor belt, but also to develop fuel cell lining.

It should also be noted that for the efficient and reliable operation of the containment and extinguishing systems ULTV mounted in the openings, which are equipped with conveyor belts are required to work to stabilize the water pressure in the fire and irrigation pipes at the values that were obtained by thermal and hydraulic calculations modes according to the methods AFE Research Institute "Respirator".

In the event of a fire in the fire sections, located at the junction of pipelines, which are equipped with facilities UVPK-B1 and ULTV, fire and irrigation pipes in these areas should be able to increase the flow of water up to 100 m3/h at an operating pressure of 0.6-1.5 MPa (as the results of calculations by the method of Research Institute "Respirator").

All of the above activities, subject to the conditions of their realization, allow for effective fire protection of conveyors in the mine workings of the mine "Almaznaya" OOO DTEK.

Currently, work is in the master stage of development. After Decembermine 2011. Full text of the paper are available from the author or supervisor.

6. References

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