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To the extent of mining operations of the complex workings of a special place on the construction of the trunks. Vertical shafts are unique engineering structures on the scale and complexity of the solved technical problems during their construction and operation [1]. Through communication underground mine workings with the earth's surface, and being the most long-term engineering works mines, guns are for tens of years of service to numerous variable effects, often fall into the zone of influence of Different Strengths geomechanical rock mass and the surrounding mountains, including the treatment workings. Since the reliability of the trunk depends on stable operation of the mining companies, monitoring and ensuring trouble-free state is one of the most important mining issues of the day [2].

Purpose, object and subject of research

Purpose of the research: justification of scientific and practical approaches to improve the stability of coal mine shafts.

The object of research: vertical trunks in the coal mines passed Different Strengths rock mass.

Subject Research of the stress-strain state of the geomechanics of the "trunk – lining – an array of the marginal".

Study of mfster's work

In research part of the analysis:

Scientific novelty and practical value of mfster's work

Developed an analytical model of the "trunk – lining – the marginal array of" taking into account the peculiarities of the load on the supports in Different Strengths of crossed layers of rocks.

It is proved that the value of vyvaloobrazovany linked to the wave nature of the strain distribution around the trunk. The dependences of loads on the supports of the displacements around the array.

Scientific value is to establish the laws of the marginal displacement of the array, depending on the technology penetration, strength and time of maintaining the bare array.

Practical value of work is to develop and implement new ways to increase the carrying capacity of trunk lining.

Urgency of mfster's work

Assessing the stability of the trunk and the possibility of its increase, it should be noted the need to manage the interaction mode of work in the pit of sinking and fastening. An important indicator here is the magnitude of departure from the main face fixing and lining erection time.

If there are tables drifting events that significantly affect the carrying capacity of the trunk lining:

  1. Exposure to constant concrete or reinforced concrete lining in the immediate vicinity of the slaughter have a negative impact on her work with the geomechanical point of view, because the lining during the setting of concrete experiences increased loads from the unsettled face (on the trunk area to 3 * Rstb = 9–12 m from the bottom).
  2. Concrete exposed to direct seismic impact during blasting [7].


Technological impact on the construction of an array ugleporodny trunks cause disturbances in the geosphere resulting in interdependent changes in lithology and geomechanical system, which in turn has an impact on engineering design, are in the bowels of the earth. This indicates that the geotechnical system always consists of natural and technological components whose interaction, first, within certain limits is formulated as a system of technology relationships with some of the lithosphere, and, secondly, – the nature and intensity of their interaction is determined by the size and orientation of technological impacts, as well as the type and level of responses to these impacts of the lithosphere.

These characteristics of the interactions are the essence of the behavior of the "trunk – lining – an array" technology and are determined by sinking shafts and brackets.


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