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1. Urgency of the subject

At present the mines formed a complex scheme of ventilation of mines, which does not provide the calculated air flow ventilation facilities, because of the aerodynamic parameters of the workings, excessive air leakage and the development of coal reserves at greater depths in complex geological conditions. Ventilation shaft affects the safety of miners, so it is necessary to investigate the reasons for the unsatisfactory state of ventilation in order to develop measures to improve ventilation of the mine and reduce unnecessary loss of air.

The intensification of mining, the use of production machines, a continuous increase in the depth of mining operations and the associated increase in air temperature and species leads to the fact that the air temperature in the mine workings is higher than allowed by safety regulations, so you need to develop measures to reduce it.

2. Aims and tasks of the work

Analyze the existing scheme of ventilation of mine workings and air distribution on the workings of the mine Trudovskaya to consider the draft revised stock, to investigate the thermal conditions, the stability of the mine ventilation. Develop measures to improve ventilation for the foreseeable future, to improve the sustainability of ventilation, ventilation and reduce the problems of normalization of the thermal conditions in the faces.

3. Brief information about the mine

Mine is Trudovskaya was commissioned in 1952.

Picture 1 – mine of Trudovskaya

Picture 1 – mine of Trudovskaya

The mine produces coal grade D. The production capacity is 14,100 tons/month. The field of mine is administratively part of the Petrovsky district of Donetsk.

Technical border mine field as follows: for the south of the reservoir k8 isohypses minus 200 and minus 250 m, for the recovery l4, l3, l1 in the south of minus 150 m contour line to the other layers in the south of exit under the drifts. In the north of the reservoir for the k8 contour line – 960 m for other strata minus 100 m contour line on the strike of the technical boundary to the west is the line number number of wells 2503, 2866, 2519 and 2549, on the east borders the field with the field of mine № I to them. Chelyuskintsev thrust on number 2 and is located at a distance of 2000 m and 3950 m from the mine shaft.

According to other layers of the eastern boundary of the mine field is separated from the shaft at a distance of 2300 m, 6295 m and is 270 m northeast of the wells № 620 and № 8377. Dimensions of the mine field along the strike of 6900–8350 m, 2550–3950 m down dip on the western flank of the mine opened by two major thrust northeast strike. The thrust № I opened for mining operations Sq. k8 and l4. The strike of the north-east azimuth 25 °–30 °, falling 40 °–65 ° in the north-west. The amplitude of 3.0–5.6 m thrust is number 2 opened mining operations on the Square. k8 and l4. The strike of the thrust north–east, the fall of the north–west, angle of incidence of 30 °–40 °. The amplitude of the displacement of 2.9–3.5 m thrust.

Categorization of mine: gas – not dangerous, in the dust – a dangerous, emissions – is not dangerous; of spontaneous combustion – is not dangerous. The method of opening – vertical shafts. System design – long poles along the strike of the opposite poles of working off the course. Circuit training – panel with working off the pillars along the strike. Office of the roof – a complete collapse. Modes of transportation – pipeline, rail.

As of December 2010 coal mining was carried out by one excavation site of the 26th Western lava bed m3. Extraction of coal by CGS combine – 10 with the mechanized bolting 2KD–90IT. Transportation of minerals from the lava by conveyor SP–25. As coal is transported by conveyor roadway scraper conveyor SP–202 and the conveyor belt in a 1L–800D ramp–hopper 26 x lava Sq. m3. For delivery of goods by the district workings auxiliary winches are used LP–25, or the Soil 1LSHV track DKNL light type–1. Delivery men on horizontal and inclined workings carried out in human trolleys VP–16 with the help of an elektrovoz AM-8D.

Picture 2 – Elektrovoz AM-8D

Picture 2 – Elektrovoz AM-8D

4. Ventilation means and types of main ventilation fans

The scheme of ventilation shafts – flank, and the method of ventilation – suction. Mine is a fan-ventilated setting VRTSD–4,5, located on the west ventilation shaft.

Airing of the 26th Western lava formation m<sub>3</sub>

Airing of the 26th Western lava formation m3 (arrows indicate of direction air flow)
(6 cycles, 4 frames, delay of 0.5 s., size 10.9 КБ)

Supply Fan 271.5 m3/s, 307.0 daPa depression, angle of the blades 68 degrees, the rotation speed of the impeller 500 min-1, installed capacity of electric 2500kVt, power 1506 kW, the fan is operated 34 years, fan efficiency 0.55. The technical condition of fan VRTSD–4,5 unsatisfactory. To improve the main ventilation fan must be a number of measures: to replace the rotors, fans make up works to reduce the vibration levels of bearings fans to replace the coupling fan repair metal part of the spiral casing and the fan casing axial guide vanes and blades replaced, remove flow covers the building fan installation.

A survey of the main ventilation fan is installed: total ventilation network is the aerodynamic drag 0.00422 daPa s2/m6, depression – 311.1 daPa, air flow in the network of 271.5 m3/s network of underground workings is the aerodynamic drag 0.00697 daPa s2/m6, depression – 280.5 daPa, air flow in the network of 200.56 m3/s external air leaks through the pithead have aerodynamic drag 0.47896 daPa s2/m6, depression – 280.5 daPa, airflow at leaks 24.2 m3/s external leak in the ventilator settings have aerodynamic drag 0.14265 daPa s2/m6, depression – 311.1 daPa, air leaks at 46.7 m3/s channel from the trunk to the fan wheel fan aerodynamic resistance is 0.0006 daPa s2/m6, depression – 30.6 daPa, air flow in the channel of 224.8 m3/s.

Depression is a natural draft of the study was 3.5 daPa – not is positive (the fan helps deliver air).

As a result, the analysis of ventilation, the following main shortcomings: insecurity air ventilation of the mine sites, large air leaks, poor ventilation facilities, inadequate cross–section of mine workings, neobosoblennoe airing some preparatory workings.

Based on the analysis of the ventilation shafts were developed and the priorities for the foreseeable future.

5. Priority actions to improve the ventilation shaft

Ensure that the calculated amount of air ventilation of the following objects by controlling the flow of air in them (increasing) pumping chamber horizon 890 m, Qr = 7.4 m3/s, Western Field Transport crosscut horizon 493 m, Qr = 8.9 m3/s.

Reduced to standard values of air flow in these mines, using the means at their vents: a camera with a power substation Qf = 2.41 m3/s to Qr = 1.0 m3/s, the auxiliary chamber Winch bed slope m2 with Qf = 4.75 m3/s to Qr = 1.5 m3/s pumping chamber to the horizon 1030 m Qf = 9.8 m3/s to Qr = 2.1 m3/s, the camera power substation horizon 1030/1060 with Qf = 2.41 m3/s to Qr = 1.1 m3/s, the camera power substation 10th lavas with Qf = 2.38 m3/s to Qr = 1.9 m3/s; Winch auxiliary chamber number 3 with the slope Qf = 4.4 m3/s to Qr = 3.9 m3/s, Western Field main drift horizon 740 m Qf = 6.75 m3/s to Qr = 2.0 m3/s, Western Field main drift horizon 890 m Qf = 9, 02 m3/s to Qr = 1.4 m3/s; sboyka number 1 with Qf = 2.42 m3/s to Qr = 1.4 m3/s; sboyka number 2 with Qf = 4.99 m3/s to Qr = 1.5 m3/s arrival at the transport layer m2 with the slope Qf = 3.21 m3/s to Qr = 1.8 m3/s vent field sboyka 10th lavas with Qf = 2.49 m3/s to Qr = 2.0 m3/s receiver-otravitelnaya VTU site number 3 890 m horizon of Qf = 8.53 m3/s to Qr = 1.9 m3/s pipelined crosscut 11th lavas plasta l4 with Qf = 8, 17 m3/s to Qr = 5.1 m3/s arrival on the horizon of 815 m with Qf = 5.85 m3/s to Qr = 1.9 m3/s; sboyka layer number 2 m2 with Qf = 2.86 m3/s to Qr = 1.3 m3/s; sboyka number 3 seam m2 with Qf = 2.86 m3/s to Qr = 1.2 m3/s.

To reduce internal leakage through the ventilation facility is primarily due to their encapsulation: the gateway to the conveyor crosscut 24 m3 of lava formation with Qf = 2.1 m3/s to the calculated Qr = 1.4 m3/s in the Gateway pipeline crosscut 25 -s m3 of lava formation with Qf = 2.6 m3/s to the calculated Qr = 1.6 m3/s at the gateway to the western race TLU block Qf = 3.5 m3/s to the calculated Qr = 2.7 m3/s, at the gateway to the auxiliary crosscut x 26 m3 of lava formation with Qf = 4.2 m3/s to the calculated Qr = 1.3 m3/s.

Redeem the following unsupported production and isolation of permanent bridges: airway 26th eastern lava formation m3; conveyor drift 26th East lava bed m3.

Rather than build a bridge of lattice constant insulating jumper in the western horizon crosscut haul trunk 493 m.

Set Reversible doors in the following mines: ventilation crosscut 11th lava formation l4; 1st major western slope of the reservoir k8; sboyka number 1 in the opening number 1 in the direction of air flow, ventilation horizon camera power substation 10th lavas in the opening number 2; vent field sboyka 10th lavas, the camera power substation horizon 1030/1060.

After sboyki bypass crosscut 8th Western lava formation l4 with crosscuts number 2 west panel to build a reservoir l4 constant insulating jumper unsupported excavations, in which section does not meet the requirements of PB (Violation p.5.3.9), namely: crosscut number 7 western block, crosscut number 2 west panel seam between the roundabout l4 crosscuts the 8th western lava formation l4 and field drifts west panel horizon 740 m.

6. Measures to improve ventilation of the mine for the foreseeable future

In the mines produce perekreplenie listed below in places with a section that do not meet the project: Field conveyor slope of S = 3.0 m2 up to S = 14.0 m2 for 190 yards, an auxiliary reservoir slope m2 S = 5.1 m2 up to S = 12.0 m2 over 375 m, the human horizon crosscut 740 m, over 10m with s = 3.0 m2 up to s = 12.0 m2; conveyor crosscut 26 x m3 lava bed at 30 m S = 3.1 m2 to S = 12.0 m2.

Equip all gateways devices are not permitted opening the door.

Reduce external suction on VRTSD AIV-4, 5 Qf = 24.2 m3/s to the calculated Qr = 20.3 m3/s by germetezatsii pithead Western ventilation shaft and seal the vent door to the pithead west ventilation shaft. Seal the surface of the channel and abutting lyad fan in it to reduce air leaks from the surface Qf = 46.7 m3/s to the calculated Qr = 17.3 m3/s.

Concreted to 0" area west ventilation shaft crack in the floor vent to the gateway.

Reduce external leak in the air handling unit VRTSD-4,5 and the estimated value of Qr = 37.6 m3/s.

Repair: a casing for fan number 2 VRTSD AIV-4,5, doors to exit the channel lyad switching and channel diffuser Liadi, the building VRTSD AIV-4, 5, near the engine fan number 2 betonirovku floors, atmospheric seal, cutting, cone Lyady VRTSD AIV-4,5, number 1 and number 2.

With further refinement m3 reservoir to maintain production in the support section of the reservoir slope m2 and transport layer m2 ne slope below S = 12.0 m2.

Determine the most economical and efficient mode of fan VRTSD-4,5 with the parameters: blade guiding device must be installed on 600; fan will develop depression at least 450 daPa, Its performance was 285 m3/s.

Due to the sealing of vent structures on the surface of the mine will be reduced by the external air intake to values close to those calculated. Due to sealing the ventilation facilities perekrepleniya underground mine air leakage will be reduced to close to the normative.

After doing all of the major activities proposed facilities will be provided with ventilation air of not less than the rated value, the distribution of air in mine workings is expected to more rational, due to what will be a reserve for future mining development. Main ventilation fan VRTSD-4,5 will work in the area of ??industrial use with an efficiency equal to 0.6.

Picture 3 – Aerodynamic characteristics of AIV VRTSD-4,5

Picture 3 – Aerodynamic characteristics of AIV VRTSD-4,5

7. Analysis of heat conditions in mine

To analyze the parameters of the thermal conditions and the magnitude of depression of natural draft was used for temperature measurement results of survey of the mine Trudovskaya.

At the time of recording the temperature in several key areas vozduhopodayuschih and the constant presence of people does not exceed the permissible limits of the Rules of Safety: on the elevation H = –409.5 m slope of the auxiliary reservoir m3 t = 21,0 °C, with relative humidity 82 %, the auxiliary 25 crosscut lava formation m2 (H = –411 m) t = 23.0 °C, with relative humidity 80 %, airway western lava layer 26 m3(H = –411 m) t = 24.0 °C, with a relative humidity of 78 % cage shaft (H = –307.3 m) t = 25.5 °C and a relative humidity of 70 %, the auxiliary reservoir slope m2 (H = –370.5 m) t = 19.0 °C, with relative humidity 84 %; Truck bypass cage shaft (H = –307 m) t = 24.5 °C, relative humidity vozduha 74 % crosscut the northern horizon of 493 m (H = –305.1 m) t = 24.3 °C, with relative humidity 76 %, crosscut the northern horizon 493 m (H = –304.2 m) t = 24.0 °C, with a relative humidity of 76 %; main haulage crosscut the western horizon of 493 m (H = –302 m) t = 23.0 °C, with relative humidity 78 %, West main haulage crosscut 493 m horizon (H = –297 m) t = 22.5 °C, with a relative humidity of 82 %; main haulage crosscut the western horizon of 493 m (H = –295.6 m) t = 20.2 °C, with relative humidity 84 %; Walker ventilation in the chamber hoist C-3,0×2,2 (H = –280.7 m) t = 19.6 °C, with relative humidity 86 %, the auxiliary reservoir slope m2 (H = –295 m) t = 19.20 C, with relative humidity of 84 %.

However, in some generation, the temperature exceeded the permissible limits according to the PB: conveyer drift 26 western lava bed m3 t = 29,6 °C, H = –456.9 m, with a relative humidity of 76 % drift conveyor 26 western lava bed m3 t = 30,2 °C, H = –456 m, with relative humidity 76 %, 26 western lava bed m3 t = 28,0 °C, H = –443.9 m, with relative humidity 78 %, airway western lava layer 26 m3 t = 25,6 °C, H = –411 m, with relative humidity 78 %; airway 26 western lava bed m3 t = 26,0 °C, H = –390.5 m, with relative humidity 78 %; conveyor crosscut 26 x lava bed m3 t = 29.0 °C, H = –454 m, with relative humidity 78 %, the transport layer slope m2 t = 26,6 °C, H = –267.1 m, with relative humidity 82 %, the transport layer slope m2 t = 26,8 °C, H = –296.7 m, with relative humidity 84 %, the transport layer slope m2 t = 27,0 °C, H = –373.2 m, with relative humidity 84%, the transport layer slope m2 t = 27,0 °C, H = –379.5 m, with relative humidity 86 %, the transport layer slope m2 t = 27,2 °C, H = –411.4 m, with relative humidity 84 %, the transport layer slope m2 t = 28,6 °C, H = –421 m, with relative humidity 82 %, the transport layer slope m2 t = 29,0 °C, H = –437.5 m, with relative humidity 80 %, ventilation crosscut at the transport layer slope m2 t = 26,5 °C, H = –295 m , with relative humidity 82 %, Western mainline traffic crosscut horizon 493 meters t = 26.4 °C, H = -295.5 m, with a relative humidity of 86 % field slope conveyor – 26.4 °C, H = –312 m, relative humidity 88 %, airway western bar formation l4 t = 26,2 °C, H = –357 m, with relative humidity 86 %, a ventilation panel crosscut the western reservoir l4 t = 26,0 °C, H = –357 m, with relative humidity 90 % air, the western ventilation shaft t = 27.1 °C, H = 167 m, with a relative humidity of 94 %; channel fan VRTSD-4,5 t = 27.3 °, H = 172.6 m, with a relative humidity of 98 % channel Fan VRTSD–4,5 t = 28.0 °C, H = 173 m, with a relative humidity of 98 %.

From the above mentioned it follows that the thermal conditions in a significant number of the mine workings and faces do not meet the requirements of SDS.

In order to reduce the temperature of the air in places of permanent human presence in the first place is proposed to use a number of mining activities, namely: to increase the cost of air in order to ensure the rational factor of the thermal velocities of the air in the workings vozduhopodayuschih and lava; proposed downward winding lava, which provides codirectional movement of air flow and coal transported by lava, reduce air leakage through the ventilation shaft facility, which will increase the air supply to the working areas, and increase mobility in the workplace air through diffusers such as breeze–3 to reduce the heating of air entering the excavation section when finalizing the inventory must be submitted fresh air for the support ramp, and to issue a transport ramp, this will reduce the heat from the heating of the air transported fossil and conveyor.

Implementation of the recommended mining activities will reduce the heating of the air and thus improve the thermal conditions in the workplace and in the workings of the mine.


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