DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Mark Lidke
Date of birth Sep 7, 1990
Place of birth Ukraine, Vugledar
Schools 1997–2007 general education school I-III stages, Pavlivka, Donetsk region, Ukraine
University Bachelor 2007–2011, State University of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Modern computer information technology, specialty Software automatization systems;
Master's degree 2011–2013, Donetsk national technical university, Faculty Institute of informatics and artificial intelligence, specialty Software systems
Average score 4.6
Languages Ukrainian – advanced level;
Russian – advanced level;
English – basic level.
Hobbies and interests Motosport, scientific and technology literature, literature about psychology and development of human opportunities, programming, modern technology.
Personal qualities Calmness, patience, responsibility, purposefulness, desire to improve yourself, educate themselves.
Computer skills Operating systems: Windows, Linux.

Applications: MS Office 2003/2007, StarUML, Rational Rose, GUI Design Studio, BPwin, Mathcad, ConceptDraw Office.

Programming languages: C/C++, Pascal, Lisp, Java, PHP.

Environments: C++ Builder, Visual Studio, Eclipse.
Future plans Job in a company to develop games or applications which uses the modeling of objects and 3D animation. Professional growth and self-improvement.
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