DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Lyubov Karamanyts'
Date of birth May 29, 1990
Place of birth the village Valer'yanovka, Donetsk region
Schools 1997-2008 years. – Valer'yanovka schools
Universities 2008-2012 years. – Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor), faculty of ecology and chemistry technology, speciality Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials;
2012-2014 years. – Donetsk National Technical University (master), faculty of ecology and chemistry technology, speciality Chemical technology of refractory nonmetallic and silicate materials;
2012-2014 years. – Donetsk National Technical University (specialist), Retraining Center, speciality Accounting and Audit.
Average score 5,0
Languages Russian and Ukrainian – high level, English – basic level
Hobbies and interests sport games, cognitive books, live music
Personal qualities The responsibility to get here, honesty, a great memory, logical thinking, good sense of humor, violent fantasy and objective view of the world
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows XP, 98, 7, Vista
2. Programming languages: Pascal, Visual Basic, Delphi
3. Environments: mathcad, Statgraphics, COMPAS 3D, Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Power Point, Access), Libre Office
Additional courses, internships, grants Computer courses in design and operation of computers (11.09.2004-18.06.2005 years.)
Professional experience acquired the skills lab
Future plans graduate training;
to find a job;
get right;
learn English and Information Systems;
go to the journey.
Contact information; skype:karamanicdmitriy