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1. Justification and relevance of the topic

Donetsk region is one of the most ecologically unfavorable regions of Ukraine. Hundreds mines have been the main source of destruction and depletion environment. Over the past 15 years, many mines have ceased operations or identified for closure. For many mines are closing early: up to full production of coal reserves and without developing the necessary plans to close that account safety, environmental and social responsibility [1].

Inadequate funding for the coal industry has led to an increase in the number of unprofitable and unproductive mines in the area. So in 2001, half of the mines provided only 13% obscheoblastnoy fuel production, while the other half – 87%. Every second ton of coal were given out to the surface in the past year, 11 coal mining companies. This polarization of the technical capabilities and a very large difference between the technical and economic performance of coal products requires ordering by closure of the mines in the most unpromising mines [3].

Picture 1 – Liquidated mine <q>Shachta №17-17 <q>bis</q></q>

Picture 1 – Liquidated mine Shachta №17-17 bis

2. The purpose and objectives of the research

The purpose of this research is the development and substantiation of environmental parameters, which ensure compliance with the rules and regulations of environmental safety in the mine closure.

To achieve this purpose it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

  1. Analyze research in the area of ??safe mine closure.
  2. Assess the environmental situation in zone of influence of the research object.
  3. The directions in the area of ??evaluation and risk analysis.

The object of study: closing mine.

Subject of study: technological solutions to manage the risk posed by closing the mine.

3. Scientific novelty

The basic idea of production in accordance with the principles of sustainable development is reflected in the integrated life cycle of the mine, according to which the mine closure plan is an integral part of the life cycle of the project and is designed to:

4. Overview of research and development

Research in the field of the safe closure of mines are extremely important for the Donbass. The process involves the restructuring of the coal industry and the closure of many unprofitable unprofitable coal mines.

At the end of 1998 Dongiproshaht prepared a guidance document entitled Draft eliminate coal mines. Standard, which was approved by the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine (letter dated 26.10.98 № 3-7973/74). Standards has identified the general requirements, the structure and content of the draft elimination of abandoned mines. In addition to the known positions of the preceding regulations, in standard answers were given to some of the problematic issues that arose earlier in the elimination of vertical shafts.

In 2001, in Dnipropetrovsk branch UkrGGRI were developed interim guidelines on a preliminary assessment of changes in the methods of hydrodynamic conditions and optimization of monitoring network in the monitoring of groundwater in the Donbass mines at the close. We studied the hydrodynamic conditions in the territories of the liquidated mines when you change the water outflow.

Picture 2 – The industrial site of the closing mine

Picture 2 – The industrial site of the closing mine

Among the foreign research on a particular subject should be noted the report Risk Assessment in the Donets Basin. Closure of mines and waste dumps, developed in the framework of the ENVSEC, Philip Peck. This document provides a structured overview of the risks associated with the operation of the mines and their closure, are embodiments of the work aimed at reducing the risks. This report can help and suggest new ideas for the ongoing process of closing mines in the Donetsk region, Ukraine. It is designed to assist in carrying out work related to the revision, improvement and implementation of the regulatory framework, to ensure that the economic benefits of the coal industry. [1].

The problem of closure of mines in general and the assessment of risks associated with their electronic publication dedicated to the elimination of Mine closure, sponsored by Dr. A. Robertson & S. Shaw.

5. Assessment of situation in zone of influence of the research object

Mass closure of mines in the Donbas is unique in the world in the structural-geological, technological, economic and ecological parameters.

Picture 3 – Closed mine waste dump

Рисунок Picture 3 – Closed mine waste dump

The elimination of coal mines in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Ukraine on Mineral Resources and Mining Law of Ukraine, which identifies the key provisions for closure: excavation should be brought to a condition which guarantees the security of people, property and the environment, as adopted in the draft technical solution to prevent harmful effects on other plants [6].

The factors that increase the probability of the adverse impact of the closure of the mine, include: the flooding of the mine, stopping ventilation, changes in hydrological conditions, emissions of waste dumps, not the provision of social guarantees for employees of the mine, providing incomplete information about the state of the environment in the territory of the enterprise, etc.

6. Justification directions in the area of ??evaluation and risk analysis

At risk should understand the expected frequency or probability of occurrence of a specific hazard class, or the amount of possible damage (loss, damage) of an undesirable event, or some combination of these variables.

Picture 4 – The algorithm of risk control at the enterprise

Picture 4 – The algorithm of risk control at the enterprise

To reduce existing risks to an acceptable level should be adjusted three basic functions of management (planning, organization and control) for the purposes of risk management. Taking gradual emergence of environmental and economic risks, we believe that for each selected phase should be consistent and continuous implementation of the basic functions. The separation of sub-functions due to the nature of economic security threats arising from the implementation of risk [12].

To reduce the risks for companies to use the totality of the available methods of risk management: from such as the training of personnel in the field of environmental protection, regulation and control of potentially dangerous industrial processes through the development and specification of procedures and job descriptions, to the exclusion of hazardous industrial processes and implementation cleaner technologies. Important in reducing the risks are development and implementation of the environmental policy of the enterprise open [12].

7. The proposed mine closure technology

echnology mine closure should ideally be tailored to the minimization of all the risks associated with the liquidation of the company.

To minimize the economic risks of the enterprise should carry out an economic activity as possible during the period of liquidation. It can be cleaned and sale of mine water, improvement of coal reserves and mining the pillars (if economically feasible), the use of rock dump as man-made deposits of minerals or raw materials for construction materials (rock dumps are different in composition: an average of 46% of the coal to 15% alumina and 20% silicon and iron oxides [13]), the extraction of underground equipment metallokrepi, rails, pipes and other materials. The extracted materials can be used in existing plants or to be sold for scrap.

Picture 5 – Backfill the excavation rock dump

Picture 5 – Backfill the excavation rock dump

Upon liquidation of the enterprise to make the most of every opportunity that can bring positive effects and minimize the risks associated with the closing.

8. Conclusions of the work

Thus, the further closure of mines need the following set of activities:

In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.


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