DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Konstantin Babak
Date of birth June 6, 1992
Place of birth Dokuchayevsk, Donetsk region, Ukraine.
Schools 1998–2007, secondary school I-III stages ¹ 5 of Dokuchaevsk:
2007–2008, secondary school I-III stages ¹ 4 of Dokuchaevsk, external;
2007–2008, Dokuchaevsk Mining College of National Mining University speciality of Mining electrician;
2008–2011, Dokuchaevsk Mining College of National Mining University speciality of Theory of surface mining, distance learning.
Universities 2007–2011, Donetsk National Technical University of Speciality Metallurgical equipment, bachelor degree;
2011–2013, Donetsk National Technical University of Speciality Metallurgical equipment, master degree.
Average score During Bachelor course, 4,8.
Languages Fluent in Ukrainian and Russian, English is basic level.
Personal achievements In 2010, competition on the Machine parts, DonNTU;
in 2012, the competition Future aces computer 3D-modeling, St. Petersburg Russia;
Hobbies and interests Numismatics, table tennis, basketball, domino.
Personal qualities Patience, hard work and commitment.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: Windows – user.
2. Applications: KOPMAS 3D, ARM WinMachine, MathCad, MS Office – user
3. Programming languages: PASCAL
4. Environments: DELPHI.
Additional courses, internships, grants Get a driver's license category B in 2010.
Professional experience None
Future plans To protect the master's work, and work in the specialty.
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