Student of Donetsk National Technical University Andrii Lashchenko

Andrii Lashchenko

Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)
Department of Artificial intelligence systems (AII)
Speciality: Artificial intelligence systems

Master's thesis "Development of methods and algorithms of contour segmentation in search problems of similar objects in an image"

Scientific adviser: professor, Dr.Sci (Math. & Phys.) Vladislav Y. Shelepov

Brief resume


Lyceum "Intelligence" in 2005.
Bachelor of SUIAI on speciality "Software Engineering" in 2010. Average Rating: 4.82.
Master of Donetsk National Technical University on specialty "Artificial Intelligence Systems", 2014.
Military Department of Donetsk National Technical University on specialty "Technical support, maintenance and repair of radar and radio instrument complexes", 2010.

Practical knowledge and skills:

Programming languages: Java, Scala, C + +, Bash, Python, SQL.
Libraries: Qt4, STL / STXXL, OpenAL, OpenCV, Android SDK / NDK, GWT / GAE, Play2, EJB 3, Spring 3, Eclipse Link, Hibernate, JUnit, EasyMock, Mockito, ScalaTest, Guava, Apache Commons, Camel, ActiveMQ , RabbitMQ, Akka, scikit-learn, scikit-image, scikit-audiolabs, scipy, numpy, matplotlib, ImageJ, processing.
Servers / Containers: Apache 2, Tomcat, Felix, JBossAS, GlassFish, Jetty, and Eclipse Equinox.
Internet Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, HTTP, JSON, XML.
Project Management Software: Atlassian software (JIRA, Confluence, Stash, FishEye and Bamboo), YouTrack, Sonar.
Version control systems: Git, Mercurial, Perforce and SVN.
Embedded development: Android, Set-Top-Box / Embedded Linux, Symbian.
DB / Caches: Oracle 10/11, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Hsqldb and SQLite, Oracle Coherence, MongoDB, Cassandra, Redis.
Build system: SBT, Maven, Ant, QMake, CMake.
IDE: Intellij IDEA, Eclipse, Xcode, QtCreator.
OS: Mac OS X, GNU / Linux.


Digital signal processing, cluster analysis, neural networks, fuzzy logic, machine learning, computational linguistics, BigData, data mining, Cloud computing, NoSQL, Minix, UNIX, QNX, science fiction, QuakeLive, Octave, OpenCL / CUDA.