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Expert Learning Systems



1.Theme urgency

2. Goaks and tasks of the research, expected results

3. Overview of studies

3.1. Overview of international sources

3.2. The Browse national sources

4. Expert Training Systems




Nowadays, with the rapid development of Internet technologies bring new interactive services for Internet and Intranet-networks, as for example, distance learning. Distance Learning System is a very popular forms of education in the world in those countries a high level of development of communications-based computing. Preparation of modern specialist s demands the organization of the educational process with the use of new information technologies and using systems based on knowledge - Expert Systems (ES).

The use of ES for the assessment of students' knowledge in test systems constitutes an important unit of computer programs - expert training systems (ETS).

Expert and training systems - that computer programs have illustrating the principal components of the ES, but have expanded further explanation component. These systems are based on expert knowledge as software and knowledge of experts by the method of teaching. In addition, they have a component of the adaptation of presentation of educational material to the student depending on his fitness. And at least there are several strategies for learning, the level of detail of which depends on the activity of the trainee in the catalog are with dial system [3].

1. Relevance of the topic

In view of the widespread use of computers, the role of computer-based training, a technique which increases the student's intellectual ability and autonomy of decision making. And these qualities are most in demand in a competitive economy and contribute to the educational and professional growth. There is the problem of creating effective learning systems, as well as creating new forms and ways of presenting educational material, searching for new teaching methods and means of teaching [1]. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of teaching, learning information and reduce the cost of the process of learning is the development and use of automated expert training systems. At this time, there are many terms for automated peer-learning system, which, in fact, are similar [2].

The most popular of these are the systems of distance learning, computer training system and others. To explain the meaning of the above terms may result in the following definition.

Expert Training System (ETS) - a set of software and hardware, and teaching tools that are based on expert knowledge of the domain (qualified teachers, teacher trainers, psychologists), implement and monitor the learning process. The purpose of such a system is that it is, on the one hand helps the teacher to teach and control plated student, and on the other side of the student self-study [4].


2. Goaks and tasks of the research, expected results

The aim of this study is to develop a computer expert training system that will help increase the amount of learned knowledge and perception of the effectiveness of information, and reduce the time to study the subject, including the time spent by the teacher to present information and to impart practical skills of students.  

The main objectives of the study:

1) The development of an ontological model ETS;

2) Development of the structure of the ETS;  

3) Rationale and implementation of computer-assisted selection;  

4) The introduction of the active components in the ETS (games, interactive systems, direct access to communication, such as through Skype with the head);  

Object of study: expert training system.

The subject of the study: the model of the structure and function of the ETS.

Scientific novelty is a new approach to the design of ETS based on the modeling of the student and the application of artificial intelligence methods.

As part of the master's work is planned to obtain relevant   scientific results   in the following areas:

  1.  Modeling of learning processes.
  2.  Designing the structure for ETS Internet and Intranet.

The expected outcomes of the work: Second prototype of expert systems s her schooling, which will improve the quality of teaching and learning to reduce the time I am.


3. Overview of studies

Because the research questions of expert training systems and improve the efficiency of learning in this system are important parts of solving complex problems using expert systems. ETS has been widely studied both foreign and domestic experts.

3.1. Overview of international sources

First Plato Learning System based on a powerful computer company «Control Data Corporation »was developed in the U.S. in the late 50's and has developed over 20 years. A truly massive creation and use of training programs have become since the beginning of the 80s, when there were widespread and personal computers. Since then, the educational use of computers has become one of their main applications in addition to word processing and graphics, pushing into the background mathematical calculations [8].

3.2. The Browse national sources

By modern teaching systems include systems TrainingWare, eLearning Server 3000 v2.0, eLearningOffice 3000, IBM Workplace Collaborative  Learning and HyperMethod 3.5 HyperMethod company, which is Russia's largest developer of turnkey solutions and software in the field of multimedia, peer-learning and e-commerce [5].


4. Expert Training System

Expert Training System (ETS) - a computer program based on the knowledge of experts of the domain (qualified teachers, teacher trainers, psychologists), implement and monitor the learning process. The purpose of such a system is that, on the one hand and helps control the instructor to teach the student and the other - Student self-study [5].

The main components of ETS are:

  1.  Knowledge base;
  2.  The inference engine;
  3.  Knowledge extraction module;
  4.  Training module;
  5.  Explanation of the system;
  6.  Module testing.

During training, expert knowledge can be transferred to the student in the form of a piece of information (text first, graphic, multimedia), as well as knowledge based on experience that can not be passed directly to the student, and purchased by him in the course of e independent activity [6].

Knowledge transfer experts widely used technology developed hypertext - from traditional aid programs to create (help) to contemporary creation tools and support Web-sites (like Dreamweaver MX).

The training component is a set of software modules that implement different mechanisms to achieve the withdrawal of pedagogical goals in training. ETS, unlike other learning software have interactive: have a dialogue with the learner, which is very attractive to the latter [7].

Building a dialogue based on the basic psychological principles of training:

  1.  User-friendly interface;
  2.  Leave the dialog at any time;
  3.  Timely help and motivated.

Each question asked the student, need to think carefully when necessary to provide a more detailed question to better understand it.

The study shows that many of the components of creating ETS depend on the result of training, so to create a knowledge base ES needs specialist who has excellent knowledge of the subject area, as well as methods of teaching has assured [9].

ETS, unlike other computer technology training are able to implement the learning process on the individual student model. Training with ES focused on the extraction of knowledge by learners. And these are the specialists are in demand in today's job market. ETS also has its advantages and disadvantages.

Major drawbacks associated with learning expert systems can be divided into psychological, related to the lack of "live" communication with the teacher, demanding and self-organization specifications, which are caused by the imperfection of content, technology, and telecommunications infrastructure.


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