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DonNTU Master Oleksii Pervusiak
Pervusiak Oleksii
Faculty of computer science and technology (CST)
Department of computer engineering (CE)
Speciality Computer systems and networks
Scientific adviser: Ph.D., Professor Vladimir Sviatniy
Consultant: senior teacher Aleksander Ivanov
The research of model of a dynamical system on a multi-core SMP-platform

Curriculum Vitae

Name Oleksii Pervusiak
Date of birth April 16, 1991
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools 1998 – 2008 — School No 55
Universities 2008 – 2012 — Donetsk national technical university Faculty of computer science and technology bachelor of computer engineering
2012 – 2013 — Donetsk national technical university Faculty of computer science and technology master of computer systems and networks
2012 – 2013 — Donetsk national technical university Institute “Higher school of economics and management” expert “economist - manager”
2012 – 2013 — University Pier Mendes France Licence 3 “Economic and strategies”
Average score of bachelor 4.92
Languages russian — “native”
ukrainian — “native”
english — “average level”
french — “basic level”
Personal achievements certificate holder FCE (level B1)
winner the regional competition in taekwondo
I adult category in taekwondo 7 dan “green belt”
participant in international football tournaments
Hobbies and interests sports — football, hockey, chess, billiards
books — fantasy, historical fiction, nonfiction, psychology
hobby — driving, photographing landscapes
Personal qualities commitment, responsibility, a willingness to take on hard work, self-organization, team work
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating systems: DOS, Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista/7, Ubuntu;
2. Applications: Microsoft Office 2003/2010, Matlab;
3. Programming languages: C/C++, Assembler, Pascal, Delphi, VHDL;
4. Environments: Xilinx ISE, Visual Studio, P-CAD, Active-HDL, Micro-Cap;
5. Base of date: SQL, FoxPro;
6. Internet: HTML, CSS;
Additional courses, internships, grants Cisco network academy
driving license category “B”
Professional experience PE “Lada-Don” computer systems engineer 3 months
Future plans Start a business and create own workstation ARM
Contact information skype: oleksii_pervusiak