DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Alina Reznichenko
Date of birth Aug 26, 1990
Place of birth Volnovakha
Schools 1997-2006 - School I-III stage number 7 Volnovakha
2006-2008 - General Education specialized lyceum "Scrabble" for gifted children Donetsk
University 2008-2012 - Bachelor of Donetsk National Technical University.Fakultet CST. Specialty Information Control Systems and Technologies.
2012-2014 - Master of Donetsk National Technical University. Faculty CST. Specialty MIS.
2012-2014 - Specialist of Donetsk National Technical University. Faculty retraining. Specialty Business Economics.
language Russian, Ukrainian, English (basic)
Interests like to read books, outdoor recreation and swimming.
Personality sociable, responsible, active lifestyle, cheerful, able to work in a team, goal-oriented, strive for professional and career growth, as well as to gain new knowledge and skills
Professional specialization and computer skills
1. Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows XP     
2. Application software: Microsoft Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Word), Open Office     
3. Programming languages: Microsoft Visual C + + and C, C #, SQL, Microsoft Visual Basic, C++ Builder  
4. Development Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio, Netbeans, Eclipse     
5. Databases: Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access, MySQL, Microsoft FoxPro, OBase     
6. UML Modeling: BPwin, ERwin, Enterprise Architect     
7. Web-development: HTML, CSS, PHP, CMS Drupal
Experience "EKOPROD." Title: Secretary-economist. Dates of operation: August-October 2012.
Contact e - mail:
skype: bublichek2