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The whole history of mankind and its development in different cultural and civilizational unions are determined by the presence of the religious segment of distinct institutional forms, covering all forms of social interaction, and the construction of individual personalities and their subsequent initiation and inclusion to the community. In the subsequent shift to a state-type associations with the release of various institutional and structural units of the types and characteristics of internal and external interactions, religious organizations are given the function of legitimation in society, as well as the regulation of ethical-moral, cultural and other spheres of society. Do not leave aside the fact that religious thinking in this period remained the dominant paradigm of particular societies, precisely because formally dedicated social structures have not been able to conduct its own independent policy in controlled areas. Since the beginning of the rapid development of science, the emergence of the scientific and technical revolution, social upheaval and the emergence of secular doctrines in the field of public administration, the religious segment were put beyond the powers of local authorities. Some states took the plane attempts to complete destruction of the religious society, other countries have left the possibility of enhanced interaction between social and political institutions with religious currents in the education, culture, medicine, registration of marriages, etc. Today the field of religious in any part of the globe has a broad impact on the local cultural, social and political processes.

1. Theme urgency

At the beginning of XXI century in the arena of historical development a new tool has been imposed that allows you to rapidly tailor the usual modern person social connections, stable cultural and political organizations, as well as the political map of the world in general - it is media and information technology, in general, the combined occurrence Internet. In general, the effects of human use of Internet-industry achievements in the plane of the cultural and social are visible to the naked eye – that is the possibility of instant information, in conjunction with consolidating public opinion and the appropriate response in the form of protests organized by just using a virtual space that present social networks of users, it is cooperation in the field of culture, allowing to get acquainted with the achievements of the distant for each local user civilizations actually get a new experience and transform their own attitudes and beliefs under the influence of new factors, this is a vast field for all kinds of interactions between the individual and social associations the consequences of which is to some extent cannot be called predictable. Thus the question arises, how in today's society prone to huge number of often conflicting tendencies are able to develop and interact with each other and with religious organizations, how will evolve or transform the space around their religious-dogmatic, institutional, socio-cultural characteristics.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this research is to study the modern transformations of the religious field of social reality.

Achieve this goal the researcher raised a number of the following tasks:

  1. Identification of the structural transformations of modern traditional and new religious movements.
  2. Study of changes in the dogmatic part of the teachings of religious organizations.
  3. Identify approaches and trends in the relationship of religious organizations to the social and political structures.
  4. Characteristic patterns of use of modern information channels and virtual space Internet Religious Organizations.
  5. Predicting future development of religious organizations in the modern information society, the definition of their role and place in the formation of a new type of society.

Research object: contemporary religious organizations, movements, institutions and associations. .

Research subject: are the features of their development and transformation in the modern information society and the development of virtual Internet-technologies.

The methodological basis for the study is based on the use of general scientific and philosophical research methods, namely, the historical, the comparative, hermeneutical, structural typology, cultural studies, methods of logical analysis and synthesis.

3. Modern transformations of a religious region of a social reality

As already mentioned in the introduction, rapid social transformations that most of the researchers associated with the ensuing information age, can not affect the area that is present in any social setting. We are talking about the phenomenon of religion, which manifests itself both as institutionalized forms (movements, associations, movements), and in all spheres of human life through religious thinking or else indirect impact on the cultural tenets of specific communities. Actually, in many ways the modern western and eastern civilization is based on religious thinking, which in its own transformation was made beyond the political, but left enough influence on all spheres of social interactions between individuals. Anyway, the communication medium that changes the world around us changes, or changes already familiar to us religious movements. These changes apply to both external organizational structure and methods of information exchange within and outside but also deep, fundamental parameters, which itself is based religiosity. This is consistent study of the influences that are either already exist or are a thing of the near future, and we should explore.

Changing the methods and forms of communication that takes place in accordance with the advent of virtual space Internet, actually changing the world around us. Whereas previously the possession of information is a core value, and its transfer between individuals and social groups over long distances looks like a very difficult task, but today the main attribute of the modern man is precisely the availability of information, the ability to quickly coordinate interaction with members of their own social groups and cultural exchange with the other public associations. For the main purpose of religious associations in the late XX - early XXI century was the formation of virtual Internet-representations in the global networking and instant communication between its own institutional units. Consequently, religious movements were adopted formats interaction with users, which are accepted as in the Internet-community and the media in general, that every day more and more virtualized. This allows you to not only talk about creating a powerful communications network, but also about the possibility of transferring religious cult activities in the virtual space by means of multimedia formats.

Such transformations can not affect a particular user, effectively transforming his religious outlook, as well as the social and cultural identity in general. Virtual space is a field of interaction, which can be very rapid processes of cultural exchange of information between different parts of the globe. Man will no longer be tied to a particular social community, a new type of organization will be well-founded on philosophical principles rather than on territorial attachment. This can lead to the destruction of our communities as usual, and to reformat the map.

On the other hand, may appear phenomena such as isolationism and strict dogmatism, which will stop in every way possible as a means of communication to create virtual soobschnostey, and the Internet will become a well-regulated by communication channel with no chance for total inclusion of a user with the creation of the virtual world to be able to replace virtually all of the possible areas of real life is his virtual counterparts.


Current conditions pose a wide range of issues of great interest to researchers. Information channels and virtual space Internet, due to its availability and high performance are the catalyst of cultural, social and political upheavals of recent times. Following the emergence of new patterns of interaction with the end user, have started their own transformation and communication channels that are more and more focused on the direct interaction of the here and now with the instantaneous exchange of views. This platform is very attractive for a variety of religious movements in the area of improving the quality of their internal work and interact with both the State and with other religious organizations. However, in turn, religious groups can themselves be transformed with these information channels by adopting the principles of interaction specific to them. This can not only lead to the transformation of the internal structure, but also a change of dogmatic and cultural foundations that will cause a change in the identity of the end-user resources and reformatting of the world in general.

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2013. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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