DonNTU Masters' portal FCST Department ACS Scientific adviser

Brief resume

Name Trubachev Denis
Date of birth May 22, 1991
Place of birth Donetsk
School multiprofile lyceum ¹37 1998–2008
Universities 2008– 2012 – Donetsk national technical university(bachelory degree,speciality "Information control systems and technologies")
2012– 2014 – Donetsk national technical university(master degree,speciality "Information control systems and technologies")
Average score 4.4
Languages Russian – native
Ukrainian – native
English – pre– intermediate
Personal achievements Participated in numerous competitions in physics and mathematics at school.
Hobbies and interests Jogging, music, books (topics of personal growth, self– development),programming: self– improvement in their spare time.
Personal qualities Demanding of others and to himself. The desire and ability to learn quickly.
Professional and computer skills
1. Operating Systems:Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows XP, Linux Ubuntu
2. Packages:Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2011, Open Office
3. Programming Languages: Microsoft Visual C++ è C, C#, Java, SQL, Microsoft Visual Basic
4. Development environments: Microsoft Visual Studio, Netbeans,WebStorm, DreamWeaver, Eclipse
5. DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server è Microsoft Access,MySQL, Microsoft FoxPro
6. UML modeling: BPwin, ERwin, Enterprise Architect
7. Web– programming: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Ajax, CMS Drupal
Additional courses, internships, grants Java Fundamental (2010)– preparation courses for certification exam OCJP
Future plans Defend diploma work, find interesting, high– paying job on a specialty, develop professionally. Travel around the world
Contact information
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