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Energy efficiency - one of the main tasks undertaken by the international community at this time. In Ukraine, the basis of the energy strategy  the short term is the activity directed on the one hand to improve the use of traditional energy  resources - gas, coal, oil, hydro, nuclear fuel, on the other - to reduce dependence on energy imports. However,  the task of maximizing the opportunities for alternative energy, which in the long term should allow to completely solve  modern energy, environmental and socio-economic problems in many regions of Ukraine.

Significant potential for energy savings has the introduction of heat pump systems that can provide the ability to use  heat supply low-grade thermal energy from the various sources of air, soil, sewage, etc. heat pumps  are energy-efficient and environmentally friendly processing equipment, the introduction of which can not only reduce the  costs of fossil fuels to receive heat, but also significantly reduce the environmental pollution.

Heat pumps are multifunctional: they are also used in air conditioning systems (at the same time producingheat and cold), mobile, relatively simple to manufacture and operation.

1. Theme urgency

Most of the current works to improve the energy efficiency of heating systems has a local nature. There are no  generalizing criteria ensuring finding optimal solutions, when you upgrade existing heating systems  and to creating new ones. Program of development is not based on the creation of multi-factor models, but only on an analysis of the advantages and  disadvantages of different variants, the more qualitative than quantitative. Decisions to implement different technologies  often made on the basis of economic analysis alone. Thus, poorly tailored to the particular needs and  fuel and energy complex of Ukraine[6].

In this paper based on the research developed a technique of designing heating systems using low-grade  and solar energy sources, which is a circuit which includes heat pumps and storage tanks which can  be realized by the consumer, as well as a solar collector. This method allows to analyze the most appropriate options  heating under different types of consumers, improve the environment, reduce fuel costs, increase the proportion of  alternative and renewable energy sources, etc.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of the master's work is to study the heating circuits using heat pumps,accumulator tank and a solar collector.

The main objectives of the study:

Planned practical results.

The methodology of low-grade waste heat sources. It takes into account alternative heatcircuits with a heat pump, accumulator tank and the solar collector can be implemented at the consumer.

In the study of air conditioning systems, heating and hot water system with heat recovery from low-grade sourcesan opportunity to show the effectiveness of such systems and to develop a set of guidelines and practicalproposals for the design of these schemes for the conditions of Ukraine.

3. Overview of Research and Development

In response to increasing scarcity and rising energy prices, the search for new energy-efficient technologies forthe heat and the use of alternative renewable sources of energy (NRSE) is relevant to virtually all sectors of the economy. especiallyacute problem delineated in heating housing facilities, where costs of fuel for production of heat exceed 1.7 times the cost of  electric power supply[4]. The main disadvantages of decentralized heating sources are low energy, economic and  environmental efficiency. A high transport tariffs for delivery of energy and frequent accidents on heating mains exacerbate  negative factors inherent in the traditional district heating.

One of the effective ways of energy-saving, making it possible to save fossil fuel, reduce pollutionenvironment to meet the needs of consumers in the process heat is the use of heat pump technology of production of heat.

The heat pump is a facility that converts low-grade natural sources of renewable energy, heat and/or low-temperature high-energy scattering in the higher potential energy that is suitable for practical use. As a source of low-gradeheat used the air vent or the various emissions, water, natural water and waste waters cooling systemsindustrial equipment, wastewater aeration systems, soil[11].

Conditions in Ukraine are quite different from other countries, so during the renovation of air conditioning, heating and hot  water is necessary to consider the climatic conditions, the characteristics and properties of the consumer, the presence of promising  energy and others[2]. The use of heat pump units (HPU) in heating can provide significant savings in fuel resources and cash.

HPU can also be used in air conditioning, heating and hot water supply. To date, the most HPU  energy-efficient heating and air conditioning. Viable alternatives, the use of heat pumps, with the possibility  widespread use in heating, hot water and cooling systems, to date, does not exist. Designing such  systems is quite time-consuming process - is required to maintain both sets of parameters: temperature, humidity, speed  workplace atmosphere, the cleanliness of the air, the ventilation rate, the uniform distribution of the parameters in the whole room  or conversely, only the achievement of the required parameters in the local area limited. For example, a feature of the process  air is the fact that the system is operated, generally round[11]. And often consumes significant resources  company, so the issue of energy saving is very serious. When designing complex technology "+" system of ventilation, heating  and air-conditioning can often find solutions to utilize waste heat or cold. To cool the building in the winter and  transitional periods can be effectively utilized hladoresursa air.

One of the effective ways to use low-grade heat energy is also the use of heat pump units (HPU).

For the disposal of low-grade heat are operated in most cases HPU small capacity from 3 to 30 kW, which were installed:

Utilization of low-grade heat is due to the introduction of the system of supply - exhaust ventilation. system efficiencyair conditioning, heating and hot water system with heat recovery from low-grade sources will be to  ability to work under extreme conditions, and generally increasing the efficiency of the whole system. This is confirmed by the patent system.


Thus, the main objective of the master's work is the integration of all the systems studied the use of heat pumps,  accumulator tank and solar collectors for air conditioning, heating and hot water systems in order to optimize  and increasing system efficiency. The result will be the development of techniques to improve the efficiency of the system  using circuits of low-grade waste heat sources.

In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the  and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.


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