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Current trends of socio-economic development of Ukraine show on strengthening the role of innovation of its subjects. Innovative activities, as well as any other type of activity requires the use of the most effective approaches to the management of all the processes occurring in the course of its implementation.

One of the problems encountered in the process of transformation of the economy of Ukraine are the crisis and the bankruptcy of economic entities. Significant causes of this process at the present stage are economic and political instability, inadequate market for goods and services are increasingly opening the domestic market to foreign producers. This is all the increased interest in the problems of the study of the crisis on domestic enterprises. Reduction of the crisis on the enterprises can not only due to better macroeconomic management conditions, but also because of the increased ability of businesses to evaluate crisis and the ability to develop and implement effective anti-crisis management solutions. This requires a unity of vision regarding the basic tenets of the theory of the crisis state of the enterprise, improving the methodological approaches to evaluation and prediction of the crisis, the weight will affect the quality of the production of anti-crisis solutions

The activities of the innovative enterprise is affected by many factors. Kogut they cause a crisis situation, which can degrade the performance of its activities, this techno-economic factors (lack of provision of financial and material tehnicheskihsredstv, insufficient infrastructure, funding and stimulating innovative activities TEMPLE urіven inflation, inflated interest rates, Visoko economic risk, lack of demand the difficulties with raw materials and supplies, the lack of experimental facilities), legal (imperfect legislation and the inability to meet standards), organizational management (Visoko cost disadvantages of planning, sensitivity to the effects of the global crisis fіnansovogo, the need for coordination of bіlshogo novih ideas, continuous monitoring every step of the innovator; occurrence at the senior management "syndrome vseznayuchih experts" conservative principles of hierarchical organizations and unstable moral climate of the collective), socio-psychological (reduced resistance to change, which is caused by a lack of qualified personnel and may lead to a change in the status of innovators, fear, uncertainty, the fear of punishment in case of failure, the unwillingness to change traditional ways of working, behavior patterns).

The purpose and objectives of the study. The aim of the work is the development of theory and the development of guidelines for the anti crisis management innovative company.

To achieve the goal the following objectives:

uncover the theoretical foundations of the anti crisis management innovation enterprise;

assess the status and prospects of crisis management innovation enterprise;

set the objectives and functions of the anti crisis management of innovative enterprise;

highlight the main elements of the anti-crisis management of innovative enterprise;

analyze the existing evaluation methods of anti crisis management innovation enterprise;

justify the need for anti-crisis management of innovative enterprise in modern operating conditions;

develop integrated methodological framework for the assessment of anti crisis management of innovative enterprise on the basis of existing methods;

offer practical advice on anti crisis management innovation enterprise;

effectiveness analysis developed in the diploma provisions for crisis management of innovative enterprise and application of the recommendations developed on the basis of theoretical research.

The object of study: Processes of innovation and economic activity of the enterprise.

Subject of research: Principles and methods of crisis management of innovative enterprise.

As part of the master's work is to get the actual scientific results in the following areas:

This study presents a definition of crisis management improvement innovative company. Systematization of methods of crisis management innovation enterprise.

For experimental evaluation of the theoretical results and the formation of the foundation of further research, as the practical results of the classification carried out the sources for the crisis on innovative enterprises will create conditions for the advanced state of crisis management in the development and implementation of the company and the results of the thesis are presented Kogut Bat for practical use in the form of guidelines.

Significant contribution to the development of the theory of the crisis at the plant made by scholars such as AA Tereshchenko, VA Vasilenko, LA Ligonenko, AN Pushkar, TS Klebanov, VS Ponomarenko, AN Trided, YS Shembel, AM Shtangret, VM Khobta, SI Kravchenko, LI Shilova, A. Fishchenko, O. Shilov, A. Kornev. Their studies have given a significant boost for the practical application of the theory of the crisis has made the development and implementation of methods of diagnosis of the crisis and the threat of state bankruptcy innovative enterprise. Given the scientific and theoretical advances require further development of methods for the crisis state enterprises due to the imperfection of existing interpretations of the crisis, the lack of consensus as to the course, the depth of the crisis and at the micro level.

Basic maintenance of work

Thus, crisis management innovation company - is constantly changing organized management, aimed at identifying and eliminating the crisis through the mechanism of control that includes a set of goals, methods, principles and objectives.

Innovation has certain characteristics that largely determine the characteristics and management: management by taking into account the potential for innovation, the management should take place in close cooperation with other areas of the company and based on specific management methodology, management requires high quality of management and scientific staff the management involves the use of specific methods encourage workers to intensify innovation, management requires the use of specific methods of planning, organizing and controlling the development of innovative enterprises, etc.. Thus, innovation management covers the planning, organization, promotion and monitoring of innovative development, aimed at the maintenance of already existing competitive advantages in the market and gain new perspective positions.

The process of creating an effective system of innovation management depends on the innovation capacity of the enterprise - its ability to achieve the established innovatsiynihtsiley. The realization of these objectives on a global scale is a means of obtaining a sufficiently high returns in the long run, stability, improve the competitiveness of the market, the decision problem of the crisis and the problems of survival at all.

In these circumstances it is necessary to develop innovation in enterprises for economic growth and competitiveness of industry and other industries. Only issue fundamentally new products and the introduction of new technologies will create new competitive environment and ensure the prerequisites of leadership. [2-6].

The idea of crisis management by modeling considers it necessary to develop a special scheme of managerial influence. The components of this scheme are separate methods of crisis management in the enterprise, the choice of which is based on quantitative methods. Among the quantitative methods of evaluating the effectiveness of anti-crisis process in the company of greatest interest are the following ones:

two-factor model for forecasting the probability of bankruptcy Altman (Z2), which is based on the current ratio and the proportion of funds raised in the capital of the company;

the five-factor model for forecasting the probability of bankruptcy Altman (Z5), the basis for calculations in the framework of which consists of current assets, total assets, operating income, the market value of the shares, the income (revenue);

ranking method for predicting bankruptcy Savitskaya (Sv), which is based on the coefficients of absolute, quick and current ratio, autonomy, its own working capital, availability of working capital reserves of its own [9];

Tafflera bankruptcy prediction model (T), the basis for the calculations in the framework of which consists of current assets, operating income, accounts payable, income (revenue);

model for assessing the financial condition of the company Beaver (B), based on, among other factors are the current ratio and the availability of internal funds, financial leverage;

method of calculating the indicators of financial stability Flint (Kp), the basis for the calculations in the framework of which consists of current assets, total assets, shareholders' equity, long-term liabilities, current liabilities [8];

four-factor method for predicting bankruptcy of the Irkutsk State Academy of Economics (I), in which the calculations are based on the current assets, net income, income (revenue), integral costs;

method of calculating the index of Argentina (A), the base of which, among other factors account for the proportion of the receipt of funds in the equity of the enterprise and its own working capital [10];

cash flow methodology Kovalenko (K), which is based on the net cash flow and the balance on the current account and the box office [3];

methodologies for monitoring limit values entereneurship Sokolov (CK), which constitute the base level of payables and receivables;

method of determining the indicators of financial development of the microsystem Shakhovskoy (W), which is based on market share and marketing budget. [5]


Science and practice of crisis management are in the initial stage of development. Changing conditions of the functioning of companies, as well as some of the changes taking place in the thinking and the human psyche, form new priorities and the concept of crisis management. Crisis management as a new type of management, based on the assumption that the emergence of crises, mitigate, course and consequences of the crises in the economic activity of enterprises. However, the system of crisis management does not exist in isolation, it is based on the classical theory of management and there with her. It is also closely linked with the theory and practice of strategic management, innovation and investment management, marketing, motivation theory, production (operational) management. It is also inseparable from the problems of forecasting, risk theory, sustainability and investment processes in the economy.

The crisis must be used to transform the transition of production and organization of the new levels and qualitatively new forms of business, skillfully using the accumulated decades of scientific and technical knowledge and practical skills. Ukraine has significant achievements in scientific and inventive activities that require good governance and full government support.

So, choosing the right strategy and effective crisis management, compliance with all rules and stages of recovery ensures long-term success of the enterprise.

In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2013. Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.


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