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Abstract "Geologico-economic evaluation of the prospects of the development of carbonate deposits"


1. General characteristic of work

1.1. Background studies

Limestone the sedimentary breed put mainly by a carbonate of calcium - calcite. Thanks to a wide circulation, ease of processing and chemical properties limestone is got and used more than other breeds, conceding to only sand-gravel deposits. In Donetsk region in Ukraine there is an Elenovsky field of limestone largest in Europe and dolomite. Features and dynamics of use of carbonate breeds differ in different regions of the world depending on structure of their national economy. The main consumers there is a ferrous metallurgy, the gas industry (for a desulfation of streams of gas), sugar production, agrarian and industrial complex (for processing of soil) and water supply (water clarification for household and technical needs). For Ukraine especially critical situation concerning providing with flux carbonate breeds developed for metallurgical production that is explained by a variety of reasons:

exhaustion of fields with qualitative raw materials and favorable a gornok - geological conditions of development;

increase of requirements of the industry to quality of flux raw materials in connection with use of new technological processes in metallurgy;

need of elimination of production of flux raw materials on some objects because of the ecological, economic reasons or prospects of development of recreational resources.

For carrying out the reasonable geologok-economic analysis of prospects of development of fields of flux raw materials it is necessary to investigate profitability of production on fields. It will allow to define, profitability of development of fields of flux raw materials depends on what geological and technology factors. Today the mining enterprises are completely provided with stocks of flux raw materials, nevertheless the most part of stocks is unsuitable for modern converter and electromelting production of steel and can be used only in outdated domain and martin process.

1.2. Communication with the scientific programs, plans, themes

Problem of providing the metallurgical enterprises by flux raw materials are designated in the relevant standard and legal documents of geological branch, in particular in the Nation-wide program of development of mineral resources of Ukraine till 2030. The program of development of mineral resources of Donetsk region till 2020. These questions were repeatedly brought up in scientific publications where problems of a perspective assessment of nonmetallic raw materials for ferrous metallurgy were considered.

1.3. The purposes and research problems

Research objective consists in determination of efficiency of working off of the Elenovsky field in connection with variability of quality of limestones and mining-and-geological conditions.

Research problems:

1)study requirements to quality of limestones and its distribution on a field;

2)reveal the geological factors influencing distribution of various indicators of quality;

3)carry out the comparative analysis of quality of limestones of a field with technical requirements of various industries;

4)investigate the mining-and-geological conditions influencing profitability of working off of a field;

5)to develop practical recommendations on further working off of the Elenovsky field.

1.4. Subject and object of the research

Subject – the geologist–economic assessment of efficiency of working off of carbonate fields.

Object of research is the Elenovsky field, the East Komsomol site of flux limestones of Donetsk region.

1.5. The actual material

Data represent spatially the attached values of chemical analyses of tests on plastoperesecheniye of prospecting wells. Selection includes these approbations of 40 wells (1427 section tests).

1.6. Research methods

Research methods :

- the method of the system analysis of object of research;

- statistical processing of basic data;

- the analysis of a graphic material for clarification of features of a structure of studied object (the geological map of the area, cuts, etc.);

- the spatial analysis of distribution of useful components of mineral on studied object;

- economic-mathematical calculations.

1.7. Scientific novelty of work

Determination of dependence between profitability of the mining enterprise and mining-and-geological conditions of working off of a field.

1.8. The practical value of works

Consists in increase of an assessment of efficiency of working off of a field, as a result geological, technical, economic indicators will be used by Dokuchayevsky flyuso-dolomitny combine.

1.9. Personal contribution of the author

Statistical data processing and interpretation of results Is carried out. Creation of high-quality plans of working off of a field.

2. The review of researches on a subject

The essential contribution to the theory of the geologist - an economic assessment of fields was made by many scientists and experts. Despite creation of bases of the geologist - an economic assessment of fields and their good base generally in the field of a geological assessment, in the field of an economic assessment there was a number of sharply debatable problems. These problems generally concern criteria of an economic assessment, and these are fundamental problems. Pas transition market economy, a basic change of the economic mechanism of its functioning forces to reconsider anew the majority of provisions and methods of an economic assessment of fields. In essence creation of new theoretical bases of the geologist - an economic assessment of fields which would be coordinated with provisions of the modern economic theory at the heart of which L.Marshal's works, And a.fisher, J lie is required. Millie, L.Valrasa, A.Pigu, P. Sraffy, J. Robinson, E.Chemberlsn, J. Keynes, R. Harrod, E.Domar, K.Viksellya, J. Hicks, A.Khansen, F.Modilyani, D. Patinkin, P. Samuelson, J. Tobin, M. Fridmen and many others. Therefore it is necessary to begin problem consideration with the purposes of tasks and the principles, methodology and criteria of the geologist - an economic assessment[11].

There are various definitions of the purposes and tasks of the geologist - an economic assessment of fields. For example V.M.Kreyter understands determination of the economic importance of fields as this assessment and expediency of capital investments for its development. According to of Gudalin, the assessment of a field consists in determination of its value as possible mineralno - a source of raw materials of the operating or planned enterprise. A.B.Kazhdan and L.P.Kobakhidze consider that a main goal of the geologist - an economic assessment of fields is justification of standards for calculation of their stocks and determination of their economic importance as sources of mineral raw materials for satisfaction of increasing needs of the country. And in tasks of the geologist - an economic assessment, the specified authors consider, detection of relative economic efficiency and sequence of industrial development of mineral deposits, and also the solution of a question on increase in capacities of the operating mountain enterprises enters when involving into development of off-balance stocks. V.I.Ternovoy under the geologist - an economic assessment understands the analysis of interrelation of the geographer - economic, engineering and it is mountain - geological conditions of a bedding of a field, техиико - economic indicators of its operation, a pas choice to a basis of this analysis of optimum option of its use in a national economy, definition of a place and a role of an estimated field in economy of the corresponding industry[9].

3. The geological characteristic of a studied field

Dokuchayevsky flyuso-dolomitny combine works at base of calcareous Elenovsky pits. The enterprise develops Elenovsky and Stylsky fields of limestones and dolomite four pits: Central, Dolomitnym, East and Stylsky. The combine is the main producer of the burned metallurgical dolomite and uniform in Ukraine on production of powders for converter ogneupor. The Elenovsky field is put by limestones (Ca O 52-54 %), dolomitizirovanny limestones (Ca 36-47 %), dolomite, develop Dokuchayevsky gumboil by dolomitny combine, pit productivity over 6 million tons a year, annual production about 2 million tons. The Elenovsky field of flux limestones and dolomite is located in southwest part of the Donetsk pool. It is dated for a strip of exits of breeds bottom карбона, stretched from the East to the west from page. Spacious through page. I ran cold, Dokuchayevsk, page. Novotroitsk to page of Olgink. The site represents thickness of limestones of turneysky and vizeysky circles bottom карбона, lying rather quietly. From the northwest and the southeast the site is limited by violations of waste character. From here the area forms something like a horst limited to thickness of sub-standard limestones and mergely of age of C1vd, C1ve, C1vf.

As it is established by long-term experience of prospecting and operational works on fields of carbonate raw materials in southwest part of Donbass, a karst and layers of sub-standard breeds in the thickness of mineral are distributed absolutely irregularly and can't be geometrized in space. This situation as well belongs and to specific and high-quality structure of the carbonate raw materials regulated by standards. Considerable manifestation of tectonic processes around a field caused universal development of a treshchinovatost of nizhnekamennougolny breeds. The majority of cracks has no filling and serves as leading channels for underground waters that promotes broad development of processes of a karstoobrazovaniye. Standard thickness of carbonate breeds of a site is presented by flux limestones and dolomite. The mineral body on a site consists of several layers of carbonate breeds which the hollow plunge in the northeast direction under corners of 8-12 degrees. Thickness of standard raw materials has the difficult hypsometric surface caused by processes of a karstoobrazovaniye of carbonate breeds, and also excavations with which the body is opened on the most part of the area[13].

4. The geological and economic assessment

Іn the conditions of market economy the purpose of any business, an ultimate goal of work of any enterprise is receiving profit. Enterprise task – the organization of production of competitive production on the self-supporting principles. Now the independent self-supporting manufacturing enterprise has to work at the principles of self-sufficiency. Competitiveness of production is characterized by two main signs – quality and price level. Quality of nonmetallic production, in particular, carbonate breeds is defined by degree of compliance of useful components to requirements of specifications or state standard specifications. So quality of usual limestones is characterized by requirements of specifications generally the maintenance of CaO, MgO, and also the maintenance of SiO2. Initially quality of production depends on mining-and-geological conditions, qualitative characteristics of mineral. But, as a rule, at long operation of fields quality of production worsens as in the first years of development the sites of a field best on qualitative characteristics are selected. The second essential component is product cost. Competitiveness of production in many respects depend on the size of expenses for its production. In turn cost of production and enrichment on a straight line depend on mining-and-geological characteristics of a field, schemes of opening and systems of development of the working horizons, an arrangement of production shops, power supply, quantities of infrastructure, etc. it is possible to carry coefficient size to objective factors of rise in price of expenses, characterizing level of a factor cost when developing a field. The competition between the enterprises producers of limestones in many respects depend on saturation of the market of gumboils by qualitative and cheap production.

Main indicators of a geological and economic assessment of fields of firm minerals following:

-explored reserves of minerals in a subsoil taking into account their complex use, and also stocks taken, i.e. taking into account losses at production and processing; the average maintenance of useful components in a subsoil and in products of extraction of components when processing;

-cost value of the mineral raw materials taken from 1t;

-geografo-economic conditions of a field; way of development (open or underground) and estimated optimum annual production rate of the mountain enterprise;

-product cost and profitability indicator.

Following the results of DFDK work the generalized indicator of production efficiency – profitability of production from usual activity made +4,5%[13].

Working off useful and breeds comes true by an open method. A transport system of development is used with the external and internal dumping. The section of the quarry field is done by entrance and cut trenches. On coulisse - stevedorages power-shovels are used as ЭКГ-5А and ЭКГ-8И, on shifting points are power-shovels of ЭКГ-5А. Middle sizes of the quarry fields are a from 1000 to 2800 m on reaching of layer that is developed. Project mark of quarry ±0. Height of ledges of 6-11м.

Роторный экскаватор

Figure 1 – Power-shovel
(animation: 10 frames, 5 cycles of repetition, 1,82 MB)

5. Technique of processing of experimental data

For obtaining exact data on the reasons and regularities of variability of indicators of quality of limestones, it is necessary to conduct spatial and statistical research of data of southeast part of the Elenovsky field. Data represent spatially the attached values of chemical analyses of tests on plastoperesecheniye of prospecting wells. Selection includes these approbations of 40 wells (1427 section tests, the average length of section of 2,0 m). For studying of spatial variability of quality industry requirements need to execute check of compliance of quantitative indices of quality of limestones of southeast part of the Elenovsky field, creation of cards of a complex indicator.

The analysis of quantitative data of quality of limestones includes determination of compliance of studied indicators to requirements of various industries, shows, in what degree change of value of one sign is accompanied by change of value of other sign in this selection. Calculation of coefficient of correlation allowed to establish that within a studied field between indicators of CaO and MgO there is a significant return correlation communication (Kk =-0,591). The most authentic statistical and spatial characteristics of indicators can be received for a homogeneous environment. For this purpose statistical research is conducted separately on each stratigrafichesky division. Average values of indicators of quality of limestones as a whole by east part of a field make (in weight. %): SAO – 40,33; MgO – 10,58; SiO2 – 3,08; Al2O3 + Fe2O3 – 1,97; S – 0,06; P – 0,003 . As a result of experimental data processing the average indicators of quality on the stratigrafichesky horizons are received; cards of the maintenance of CaO, MgO on the horizons of C1tb2, C1ta2 are constructed. (fig. 2, 3, 4, 5).

Карта содержания CaO  горизонта  C1ta2

Figure 2 – Card of the maintenance of CaO of the horizon of C1ta2

Карта содержания MgO  горизонта  C1ta2

Figure 3 – Card of the Maintenance of MgO of the Horizon of C1ta2

Карта содержания СаO  горизонта  C1tb2

Figure 4 – Карта вмісту СаO горизонта C1tb2

Карта содержания MgO  горизонта  C1tb2

Figure 5 – Card of the Maintenance of MgO of the Horizon of C1tb2

Determination of Dependence between profitability of the mining enterprises and technical and economic characteristics of a field. Actual data concerning profitability of the enterprises for production of flux limestones are given in fig. 6, 7. It is visible that over the last 5 years the enterprise has positive indicators of the income, but since 2010 decrease in the income is traced[14].

Динамика прибыли предприятия

Figure 6 – Dynamics of Profit of the Enterprise

Динамика дохода предприятия

Figure 7 – Dynamics of the Income of the Enterprise

Economic efficiency of exploitation of deposit is determined by next basic indexes: the brought charges over on unit of raw material, by a profit, profitability and term of recoupment of capital investments. Profitability is determined by two indexes: by attitude of profit toward a prime price and relation of profit to the cost of capital assets of enterprise(whether to the volume of capital investments). In first case profitability shows a size to the profit on 1uan. Charges on the production of mineral raw material. In second case profitability equals a profit on 1грн. capital assets or 1uan. Capital investments. Profitability of 15 - 20% is considered normal for most types of mineral raw material. The best deposits have a level of profitability of 60-80%[11].


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