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Brief resume

Name Tsvetov Alexander Sergeevich
Date of birth March 6th, 1992.
Place of birth Kirovskoye, Donetsk region
School 1999–2009 school ¹3 Kirovskoye
Universities 2009–2013 Bachelor
Donetsk national technical university
Electrotechnical faculty
Specialty: Electrical systems and networks
2014–2015 Master
Donetsk national technical University
Specialty: Economics of enterprise
Specialization Economy of fuel and energy complex
2013–2015 Specialist
Average score 4,44
Languages Russian (perfection), Ukrainian (perfection), English (basic).
Hobbies and interests Sports (football), literature (scientific, artistic), chess, checkers, backgammon.
Personal qualities Honesty, responsibility, sociability.
Professional and computer skills 1. Operating system: Windows XP/ Vista/7
2. Mathematical packages: Mathcad
3. Graphics software: Kompas-3D, AutoCAD
4. Programming Languages: C++
Additional courses, internships, grants 01.09.99–31.05.06 — studing on a speciality the Piano in the
children's music school of the Kirov city Council of Donetsk region.
2013 Driving licence (category B,C).
Professional experience LLC Donprombiznes electrician surface of the III grade for
the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment.
Future plans Improve my obtainedthe skills and knowledge in the University,
to develop further. Protect master's work, work on my speciality thesis.
Contact information alexcandrcv@mail.ru