Brief resume

Name Erkhova Alina
Date of birth Feb 14, 1992
Place of birth Enakievo
School 1999–2009 — general school ¹ 13, Ånakievo.
University 2009–2013 —  Donetsk National Technical University (bachelor);

2013–2015 — Donetsk National Technical University (master degree).

Average score 4.78
Languages Russian, Ukrainian, English (base level).
Hobbies and interests Sports: track and field athletics; volleyball; swimming; fitness; dances; yoga; rock-climbing; backpackings.
Personal qualities Decency, responsibility, skill to communicate, kindness, sense of duty, ability to work in team.
Computer skills Operating system: 1. Operating systems: Windows, Vista.
2. Packages: MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point).
3. Internet browsers (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).
4. Programs: EOL+, Statgraphics, Compass.
5. Graphic editors: Adobe Photoshop, Paint.
6. Visual Basic programming language.
Professional experience 1. Field practice — National natural park Meotida.
2. Practice in Department of ecology and natural resources of Donetsk public administration.
3. Work as the inspector in national natural park Meotida.
4. Work as the acting as the head of department of a recreation of National natural park Meotida.
Future plans Work in the specialty and realization obtained skills in practice.
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